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He followed uncle Nate out to his car. This was the last opportunity he had to say something alone to him, but he didn't dare. It was as if Karen was still observing him from within the house, somehow spying on him. He knew that wasn't true. As horrible as she was, she didn't have superpowers. Not those kinds of superpowers at least. She could make him feel bad with just a look, and have him feel guilty and worthless and sobbing all through the night with just a few razor-sharp words.  It was definitely a superpower. Yet here next to uncle Nate's blue Tesla model 3 he was speechless. If only he too could step into it, have Nate floor the gas, or whatever you call it in an electric, out on the straight towards the supermarket. Only this time he wouldn't turn around at the intersection and head back home, but continue out of town, away from all this shit.

Uncle Nate put a hand on his shoulder "Well, this is it I guess. Make sure to take good care of dad and Karen." He tried to not show any emotion, not sure which one would surface if he let one through. "I guess..." Uncle Nate looked at him with a bit of suspicion and suddenly jumped into action. "I almost forgot one thing" he mumbled from within the car, rummaging in several of the duffle bags in the back seat, and emerged back with an old smartphone. It was one of those old, big ones from when they hadn't really figured out what should be phones and what should be tablets. By now they all sucked, of course. "I forgot to hand you this." He smiled and accepted the ancient piece of technology, not knowing what he would do with it. He didn't want to disappoint uncle Nate, so he would have to keep it around at least until next time he visits, whenever that would be. "There's a program in the games folder I think you'll like."

With that uncle Nate waved goodbye, closed the door, and the car silently disappeared down the street. He stood there, looking at the point where the car disappeared from view for a minute. He gave the phone a tap, and without PIN it showed its ugly, cluttered home screen. There was only one icon in the games folder. He couldn't stall helping out with making lunch any longer, but once the dishes were done he would give this "Champions of Chronivac" a go. He owed at least that much to uncle Nate.


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