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- Hi honey.
- Sam! Thank fuck you answered.
- Um... Who is this?
- It's me, Sam! Jason.
- You don't sound at all like Jason.
- It's me fuck dammit. I'll fucking prove it. When you left Tuesday you had the pink and white underwear.
- Jason! It is you. Why do you sound so strange?
- I.. You need to trust me here. I woke up in the wrong body.
- You did what?
- I wasn't feeling that well yesterday evening, went to bed, and woke up with someone else's body.
- Like in your bed?
- Yeah.
- So it could be your body, but looking different.
- Yeah, well, I don't know. Everything is different.
- Can you show me?
- Yeah, hang on. I'll send a photo.
- Ooo, Nice. Can you flex for me?
- What? Sam, this is serious.
- Please...
- For fucks... OK... There!

- Really, really nice, don't you think?
- It's beside the point. It's not my body!
- But what if it was?
- Yeah. Sure. It's in better shape than I've ever been in.
- What about the tattoos? Do you like them?
- They... They do kind of look like the sleeve I considered.
- Happy birthday!
- What the fuck?
- Happy birthday. Do some burpees or whatever so you know how to control it all.
- You did this?
- Sure did. I'll be over later today for a test run. Take a shower.


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