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There are two inspirations for this story. For the main story, a woman who starts manipulating a man and is turned on by it, came from a discord channel. I asked one of the female members what kind of story she would like to see, and the central idea grew into this. It's very similar to the Recovery story, which also deals with a forced transformation, but then a magical physical one, and less wanted and accepted by the subject. That too was from an online conversation, which leads me to suspect I ask women what they would like to read and then write this kind of story regardless of their response.

The second inspiration is from the Don't Look story by omnitf, which is a favorite of mine. In it there are two sentences I've though about a lot.

You looked desperately down at your dangling necklace swinging back and forth. The chain was designed to highlight the amount of muscle you’d built in your pectorals.

What does that even mean? I wrote a bit about that in the part after the photo. The photo was specifically selected for this purpose by the way.

I did have a second possible solution in mind, where this moment in the gym is a goodbye ceremony of sorts. It ends up with her giving him the trigger word to finally understand what she did to him, and she admitting that she is much more attracted to pumping men up against their will than the actual end result. But I liked the big spoon-ladle at the end, so I made it more consensual and happy ending.


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