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So Hank asked me what I thought he should write next, and I suggested he should take his "$50,000" story (copy below) and extend it to multiple chapters and really take the reader along through the transformation. You can do very different things when the protagonist himself has chosen to be transformed, because he would willingly subject himself to the training. I don't know if he'll eventually write it, but here is a small chat we had about the story.

Josh: I would love to read a long version of that.
Hank: yeah, i could write a long version
Josh: I like to write process stories like that, but for me they take a lot of time.
Hank: i wrote this one really fast, maybe an hour.  but it would make a hot novella even
Josh: The writing isn’t so much the problem as research. I make too much research, but that’s because that is the entertainment I get out of it.
I guess this one isn’t so heavy on the planning. Since he is willingly entering the process you don’t have to plan as much in how to lock him into a situation.
That is usually what I’m thinking about. What could he do to abort, prevent, reverse whatever is happening.
Hank: good tip
yeah, what is really hot to me sometimes is when the prevention / solution is so so close, a possibility, and then... shattered
i like forced change a lot, too, when somebody does not want to be transformed into a jock but loses...
maybe i should start a long form of it like you said... how long?  I need a target to hit ha
Josh: Plot it out first. Decide what the end should be.
Hank: i like taking orders sometimes.  so feel free to lay down the law and say how many pages or put me on assignment. ; )
Josh: Let's think in chapters.

1. Leading up to the boot camp. How did he learn about this? Why does he want this? How do you prepare? Are you leaving with a new identity, no material assets? Perhaps that's an option he decided for?

2. Entering boot camp. He's a customer, so it all starts pleasant. Presumably he's been told to bring old clothes and items, so they can be destroyed as part of his process. Nice lobby, expensive furniture, complimentary tea. Sign papers. Boom, he is on a schedule now. What's his first day? Go through all the initial one-time items.

3. Go in detail the different programs. Let's go through all the different aspects of transformation and get a sense for how each one of them works. Biggest problem is how to be disciplined into non-discipline. Perhaps we are working in phases. Phase one is to drill in specific responses, so they are automatic. Phase two is drugging him up and losing all regard for authority, while the drilled behavour is still intact.

4. Life after. How does it differ from what he had expected. Also, if there is any larger story elements at play, this is where they are revealed. Did someone work behind the scene to put him in this position? Did someone benefit from it? It doesn't have to be nefarious. While I like a good revenge story, I think a surprise would be his woodstock hippie Grandma feeling that he didn't have life working for him, and needed a boot in the arse.

Hank: i like that a lot -- the part about first drills and then turning him against authority
that could be really hot, the anti-authority part
disciplined into non-discipline
love it
i seem to like the part about him being ruined into an anti-authority part the best
i also seem to love 'no going back' moments in which there's a potential that it could be stopped or reversed but he loses
Josh: So, you have to address that early on, as he is voluntarily subjecting himself to this.
Hank: maybe a code word or process he could initiate if its too much but then serge screams in his face that he's already so far along and so much more chill and wouldn't it be so hot to just burn the code...
Josh: - No receipt?
- Mr. Wolff, you've read our return policy. There is no going back.
Hank: ha, i love it.  a last ditch effort to refund it.  the panic
the calling himself stupid for having burned the code
the insane laughter when he realises he can't change it now
and that this fact turns him on
Josh: Ah. There is a safe word, but it is only used to calibrate the process.
Kind of like those sheets with what you are not accepting in a scene. No scat, no golden showers, moderate pain, etc. Then when it turns out it is really a slave market, the first thing is to go through that lists. "It's says here we need to work on your scat play."
Hank: Thatd be hot too!  I could work both that and the code word in separately
Josh: Don't overload it. But there should of course be some assessment before the process starts, so they know what they have to do. Medical, physical, psyc eval etc.
Hank: That makes sense.  I'll try to keep that brief and make it lightly erotic with his shirtless body and groin test
Josh: - Hey, what the fuck.
- Sir, we need to know.
- Know what?
- Everything.
Hank: Fuck.  Kinda wish I could go through this process now.
Josh: The better you map out the process before you write, the better it will be. Try to think of real technology to be used and reasonable processes if this was real. Electroshock works, but only to break down neural pathways.
I can imagine something like an EEG helmet for shocks together with VR headset.
But what is being erased?
Hank: Got it.  Yes I should research a lot more details
Josh: Building new pathways is just good old pleasure hormones. There is a mix released when you climax. Dump that in the bloodstream and whatever you are doing is going to stick as something you'd like to repeat.
And addiction of course. Benzos are some of the most addictive substances around, and also working as sedatives. If you use them to incentivice lack of initiative or giving up, you can create some really dulled minds.
Hank: Yeah!! Love it
Like weeks and weeks on bennies
Josh: Imagine if you could administrate small amounts of these different substances to punish and reward different behaviors.
- Why are you putting an ankle bracelet on me?
- We don't need to tell you shit.
Hank: Yeah.  Or moderate and big amounts since he needs to be dumbed down and disestablished so much.
Josh: - Why are you putting an ankle bracelet on me?
- We figure this will not be the last time.
Hank: Haha
I know the muscle growth will be part of it.  Not a ton but enough
Because thst type of guy never has his body perfectly together
Just enough muscle to score
And get stoned with the bros with
I always think body hair is hot to develop too but I don't think itd fit this story
As the technology is more complicated
But I could note him looking at the hair around his ankle bracelet
And showing off his pits as he relaxes shirtless on the duvet
Josh: Moving body hair is technically easy. Hair transplants is basically cutting out follicles from one part and putting them on a different part of the skin. Then stem cells are injected and they take root. This is what is done today.
Hank: Nice. I've thought of adding more fur
Josh: This makes me think of a three phase transformation. Phase one is all roses. He has signed the papers, he takes his medication each morning, does his gym exercises with the trainer, looks at the shit TV shows he've missed, etc.
No need to force what he can do willingly.
So you have one type of shock when he goes from that phase to the authoritarian phase, and another one when he "rebels"
Hank: I like it,  maybe I'll do an unstructured version of that, where it isn't stated as three phrases but things definitely intensify
Josh: If you want to keep this reasonable realistic, which I favor, I don't think there is a way to lock in the physique. Some sort of chemically induced addiction to the workout is the closest you get, I think.
Hank: Ok.  And just a lot of intense training and telling him he loves it.  Flex for me, baby
Ingraining that vanity in him
Josh: He can even be told that.
- Your pre-workout drink.
- What's in it?
- Water, salt, cocain, lemon, mostly.
- Cocain?!
- Yeah, it makes you push harder and creates an addiction for all things gym and workout. The music here isn't random either.
- Why are you telling me?
- It's not less effective just because you know you are manipulated.
Hank: Yeah.  We know like being manipulated because you signed up for this.  Gets you hot and you fuckin know it, faggot
Josh: I wouldn't bring any "flex for me" stuff into this story. He's not going to do anything for anyone once completed.
Hank: Yeah but he does have to obey his serge through the process and it would be hot if the serge abuses this power a bit
Stealing a few kisses
Josh: Doesn't feel like it fits the story. The guy is technically a customer, so it's not something the company would like.
Hank: I see it as part of the training program
He needs to learn sex skills remember
That's a major part of the package and prolly chapters in itself
Josh: Ah, right.
You have to be smart about it so it doesn't come across like you are writing the story with your dick.
Hank: And it would be hot if he can't distinguish between serge and love and sex and what's real and what's manipulation
Josh: Indeed.
There would be more than one employee there though. It's a multi month operation.

Original Story

$50,000, bro.  They promised they could remake me.  Think about it, it’s only a year’s salary. Took me a long time to save it up, that’s for sure – couple of years.  I was an engineer, had paid down most of my degree… but I wasn’t happy.  So I did some digging on the dark web.  It’s a gig economy but more than that, a fetish economy, and folks will pay for all kinds of twisted shit.

What did it entail?  Haha, well, I didn’t want them to make me a total moron, but I did want to bro out.  I did want a major lifestyle change.  For the chunk of change I was spending, I, or should I say we, got to plot and plan the deets together for some time.

I was hella fuckin’ nervous, that’s for damn sure.  My hands were shaking as I signed.  It was a total lifestyle change, and I’d be living paycheck to paycheck, just like an average dude.  But then the fun began.  They helped me figure it out – tats like I didn’t give a fuck, not being so uptight about booze and drugs, definitely loosening way the fuck up about casual sex, and just turning into a chill guy, the sort I envied, the sort I knew it would be way more fun to be.

I wanted to be able to just chill, do what the heck I wanted, and be sort of alpha and sort of a dog, you know?

It took four months of intense retraining.

It was like a boot camp in a way, which is funny because my lifestyle is so much the opposite of order and discipline, now.  But they had a lot of work to do on me.  It was fuckin’ hot, every step of the way, this total devolution, I guess you could call it.  If my sergeant saw me with a nice shirt on, he’d slap me upside the head and say “Who the fuck are you?  Remember who you are!” and rip it the fuck off me.  Eventually everything I owned to wear was ripped the fuck off me, from pants to underwear.  They replaced it all with jock straps, athletic shoes and shorts, sweatpants, tank tops, you get the deal.

You ever seen A Clockwork Orange?  We went through some of that in a chair.  Electroshock, light but firm.  Poppers – god, I fuckin’ love poppers now, actually.  Just generally slapping the pussy out of who I was.  I learned to fuck and how to take it up the ass.  Turns out I’m a top, but vers.

That was a whole hot process, too, the erotic training.  They started me on muscle training first, and then basically drugged me up when they took me out for my first tats.  Fuck.  I loved it, too, finally doing a stupid but permanent thing like that.  But yeah, the erotic training – he slapped the fuck out of me and told me to remember who I am.  Erotic asphyxiation and aggression were so much of my early training, when I was bottoming and being humiliated, for days on end, even, that it’s now a firm part of who I am… I love getting aggressive on a dude, almost can’t control myself, really.  They need to find out how hot it is, and I love to drink and smoke and hold poppers under their nose.  Love doing it to a guy for the firm time, too, bustin’ a cherry is always hot.  Would have been too sensitive before, I’m sure, ha!

But yeah, fuckin’ was worth it for sure.  Message me if you want to know more.  Getting the lingo down and the dumb but hot-as-fuck laugh down was a lot of training, but serge and I had beers to pound down, arm-wrestling, fuck, I was changed so much in the process.  Having the time of my life now.  Best money I ever spent.  Totally don’t give a fuck, love who I am and how I get what I want out of so many dudes pretty much all the time now.


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