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“Fuck! I told you it would happen!”

The car made a final cough of pitch-black smoke, and came to a rolling stop in the grassy side of the road. The ground was damp from the shower, but the sky had cleared and the air was warm in the summer afternoon glow.

“No service” his brother announced, waving his cell phone around, as if it would catch some stray reception.

“Of course not. No one here has any money to bribe an operator for coverage. I told you we should stay clear of bum-fuck nowhere.” He hit the wheel in rage infused frustration. Their cross country adventure had started out great. They were usually of one mind, as twins often are, and couldn’t actually agree on who came up with the idea for a road trip adventure after graduation. But now, a few days in, their relationship had deteriorated just as fast as his brother's car, as it became obvious he had not maintained it properly.

“At least we don’t have to starve.” He said, making a gesture towards the cornfield.
“You fucking moron. They are not edible for months.” He exited the car and walked some steps away from the car. Why did he always do this? His careless non-planning had caused trouble for them since forever. He took a deep breath of country air, with the smell of recent rain. He knew there was a word for it. He turned towards the car to ask, when in the distance he saw the glint of an approaching car.

He stood still for minutes, watching the black truck getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Once it started to get close he began waving it down. It didn’t slow down much, but made a sudden brake once past him. The truck stood still for perhaps a minute until a door opened.

Out of the passenger seat climbed a hunk calendar caricature of a cowboy. Big hat, boots, tight blue jeans, and shirtless, showing off his smooth, chiseled upper body physique.

“Howdy, what seems to be the trouble?”
“Our car is fucked?”
“Who ya got with ya?”
“My dumbass twin brother.”

The driver door opened, and an equally striking, similarly clothed man climbed out, gave them a nod, and stood resting against the side of the truck.

“You’ve been working on the fields?”
“Something like that. Let’s get you and your brother some miles before dark.”

He rapped the window, shaking his brother out of a losing round of Candy Crush. “Hey, step out. We’ve got a lift.”
“What? With them?”
“College students with fucked engines can't be choosers.”
“Fine. But there’s only one row in those, aren’t there?”
“Take the flatbed then. This is all your fault.”

In fairness he didn’t mind the flatbed over sitting between those two half naked dudes, like a patty in a burger, or perhaps more like bread between two beefcakes. The truck was large enough he thought the car could fit in the flatbed, and the one with the cowboy hat helped him up. He got a whiff of musky sweat and was immediately happy with his choice, but no sooner had the other three packed themselves into the truck and rolled away, did he feel the rainwater soaking through his pants. Dammit. The nearest town was 50 minutes away.

Inside the truck his twin brother had the opposite thought. The driver was of few words and had simply smiled and gunned the engine, speeding away from the stranded car. The car was barely out of view when he wondered how he would be able to stand the smell of cologne and sweaty bodies for so long.

“How far away is it?”
“We’ll be there in 30 minutes tops.”
“That close?”
“Yeah. Hey, you drink coffee?”
“Yes. Thanks.”

He did not want to drink coffee, but anything else to smell would be a godsend. The guy in the cowboy hat unscrewed the top of a thermos bottle and filled the top with hot coffee. It was black and bitter, unlike anything he had had before. There was a funny aftertaste as well, he thought. He did relax though, feeling lucky that someone passed them by so quickly. Trying to cut the suffering short, he downed the rest of the coffee, handed back the top, and slumped in his seat. Staring out at the fields passing by he realized he was exhausted. Fighting with his brother always drained him.

Slowing down, the truck pulled into a long driveway which led to a group of farm buildings on an island of grass and trees in a sea of fields. It hadn’t really been cold on the flatbed, but he couldn’t wait to find some way of drying his jeans. Both hunk #1 and hunk #2 jumped out of the truck, but his brother lingered for some reason. “Hey, I’ll catch you” the guy in the cowboy hat shouted. Fuck that. He jumped over the side and landed a bit away from him. Someone, the other guy, grabbed his arms from behind.

“Hey, let go! LET GO!”
“Scream all you want. There isn’t even a public road for a mile.”

He was firmly marched towards the main building, resisting at first, but soon realizing the futility of fighting two men, these men. And there was nowhere to run anyway. He caught a glimpse of his brother inside the truck, unconscious with earbuds in his ears.

“What have you done to my brother?”
“He’s just taking a nap.”

He was led through the dark interior of the farmhouse and was soon securely tied to a wooden chair in the kitchen, facing the wrong way. He looked around in confusion. It seemed like the men had a young child, but one that was the size of a teenager. Just opposite the table from him was an oversized high-chair, and they had passed a too large bouncy swing in the living room. Or did they use them for some gay shit? Was that why he and his brother were kidnapped?

“Let me go!” he pleaded.
“We had only planned for one kid, but when life gives you twins you…” he was searching for some ending to the saying.
“…make twinks?” the other man suggested.
“No, that’s not it. Anyway, I think our boy will love to have a pet to play with.”

None of this made any sense to him.

“But for that to happen, you need to take this.” He pulled out a two inch long, white object from a plastic case.
“That’s massive! I can’t swallow that.”
“I’m sure we can find a way to get it in you.”

He could do nothing but squirm as they removed the belt and cut his jeans and boxers from his body. Then one of them slowly inserted the suppository up his asshole. Once in place it didn’t take many seconds until it started to sting and feel kind of warm, like it was made out of icy hot and sriracha. He continued to squirm, but now it was involuntary.

“See how well it fits your boy pussy”
“Fuck you!”

Through the door frame, for a split second, he could see the other man carrying his brother. He was still sleeping, and with earbuds, but was now naked except for some adult diapers.

“It’s starting to get real intense now, doesn’t it?”
“Let us go. We won't tell anyone.”
“You don’t want that. It’s just going to get worse, unless you get a tail. This will make it better though.”

The man was offering up a glass of clear liquid to his lips. Feeling out of options he decided to drink from it. It tasted like water, with something bitter dissolved. Then everything went black.

He liked the bouncing. It made his stomach feel funny on the way down. It made him giggle. There was something important he needed to do, but he couldn’t remember what. Every jump was just too funny.

Then a man with a funny hat entered the room. What was the name of the hat? The man was somehow important. The man didn’t have a shirt on. He wanted to touch him. To taste him. Put him in his mouth. Now he remembered!

“Yes, a cowboy. Hello, big boy. Did you sleep well?”

Why did he use so difficult words? It was almost impossible to understand him.

Then another man entered, and following him, on the floor was something black. A big black rubber dog walking on all four. He had a tail that was wagging as he walked, and under him, between his legs, was a big red rubber pee pee. He recognized the face somehow.

“Yes, it is dog!”

The dog suddenly recognized the teenage sized baby lounging in the bouncy swing, and excitedly ran up to him and started licking him in the face. He could barely contain his joy.


The two men beamed, and put an arm around each other. There was still so much to do. The car in their barn had to be stripped to scraps, VINs filed down, fabric burned, plates destroyed. They already had a fire going with all the clothes and personal items. The boys needed much more attention, but in a month, maybe two, they would be totally transformed, utterly helpless, and barely physically recognizable. A new family.

Read my commentary.


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