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It will be worth it, I kept thinking. While certainly more interesting than going shopping with her, this became tedious long ago. I had no idea how she found this woman, and at first I didn’t believe she could do anything she claimed, but now, almost three hours later, I looked completely different. All I could really see was looking down at my new, muscular arms and obstructing pecs. I could only imagine how much else had changed, were I to see myself in a mirror. I could certainly feel the flicker of magic, and how the body contorted in new ways after every change my girlfriend requested. An endless series of minute changes, taking me to whatever I am now in small and careful steps. But nevertheless I’m miles apart from how I looked when we entered this shabby hotel room in China town. Taller, for sure, hairier in some places, bald in other, and way, way bulkier than I ever wished for. I’m honestly surprised this is what her dream man would look like. I did feel like I was beginning to lose her over the past few months, so I am willing to give it a try, as long as it takes. Anything to make her happy.

“Can we add another inch of dick size?” she asks the Chinese lady.
“Honey, are you sure you really want that? It’s getting impractical for me, and I imagine it would be painful for you.” my new voice booms.

I had already swapped to a huge pair of boxer briefs that my wife had brought with her, as the ones I came with were in danger of bursting. A new pair of larger socks as well. All of it again straining by now by my incrementally expanding body. It would have been pointless to wear anything more while she was real life photoshopping me. Or build a bear is perhaps more apt.

“Yes, can do, miss” the lady responds, for the umpteen time. She scribbles some more Kanji, or whatever it’s called in the book, and I feel the now familiar tingle of magic in my boxers. Like an erection that only lasts a few seconds, but then doesn’t quite dissipate. Instinctively I look down, only to see the pendant she gave me last year, resting on the pecs that obstructs the view.

I can see my girlfriend raising her eyebrow, if only for a fraction of a second. She sits in one of the uncomfortable armchairs next to a small, round table with a cup of complimentary instant mini-bar tea, long since emptied. In the other chair on the opposite side of the table sits the Chinese lady, also facing me, standing in front of the hotel room bathroom. She has been expressionless the entire time, whereas my girlfriend has gone through several expressions over the hours, none of which made sense to me. She should be happy. She is getting every little whim and wish fulfilled. Make his shoulders wider. Try with no hair on his head. Make the legs hairier. At least there is some sort of smile on her face right now.

The Chinese lady leans over towards her and taps her watch. “Miss, not much more”. My girlfriend responds almost immediately. “Fill out his pecs a little more”

“Yes, miss” she responds and makes another few scribbles. There is a tingle in my chest, like pulling off a sweater with lots of static electricity. I lost count on which change in the string of chest changes this is. Every time the nipples were pointing slightly further down. I imagine they are pointing straight down now. “Thank you” my girlfriend says, and hands the Chinese lady an envelope. She pockets it, closes the book and moves towards the room door. I start moving as well.

“You stay right there” my girlfriend says, in a sharp voice.
“What? What did I do?” I hear the room door open and close as the lady leaves us.
“Where to begin, you pathetic fucking excuse of a man. Just look at yourself! Who would fucking let someone do that to them?”
“What do you mean? You wished for all of this.”
“I wished for it? I wished for it?! How fucking dense can you be? Why the fuck would I want you to smell like sweat and farts? To look like butchery come to life? You’re revolting in every way!”
“Then why did you tell her to do that to me!?”
“I wanted you to stop me. If you truly loved me, truly knew me, you would know this isn’t remotely close to what I want. No one would! You’re disgusting!”
“But honey I just wa..”
“For fucks sake, shut up. This is why I have an affair with John. You just don’t care enough.”
“You sleep with John?”
“See. You didn’t even care enough to find that out on your own. You’re utterly pathetic. Don’t bother following me. The locks are already changed.”


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