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Adjusting after the incident had been surprisingly easy. She realized that most things were on her terms now. Sure, there were situations where she would otherwise have it her way, no questions asked, but now was treated with suspicion, or even contempt. But in her everyday life she was treated so much better, be it from brotherly respect or fearful respect. No one would cat call her, looking like this, that's for sure. Or show any kind of attitude for that matter.

Her first impulse had been to shave the beard, burn the hat, and get some nice shirts, slacks and sweaters. Perhaps  put concealer on the hands. She did try out the look in Macy's, but at least had enough self awareness to realize that would never be her. She still accessorized, moisturized and kept everything clean and fragrant. You can bake cupcakes just as well wearing a wife beater and old spice, and look good doing it.

Wife beater... Well, that's irony for you.


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