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Doctor Feinstein’s eyes widened of incredulity as he went down the list I had just handed him.
50mg Zinc
200mg Pygeum
1200mg Soy Lecithin
15mg 1-1-5-ribosulfam-K
1000mg L-arginine
100mg Sigma pro
320mg Saw Palmetto
and on and on for an entire printed page. Looked like a modern witchcraft potion. Essentially it was. Amazing to think I’ve had all that shit in me.

- And this is the daily, self medicated dose?
- Well, I didn’t… Yeah. Every morning after gym.
- How long did you say this was going on?
- Little over five months.

Every fucking morning for more than five fucking months. I get up, go to the gym, do my 30 minutes, mix the powder pack with water, and slurp it all up. And every single pack had been spiked by Andrew since we had our big dust-up. I don’t even remember exactly what we argued about, but he was pissed as hell and stormed out of our apartment. Apparently he went to the pub and stumbled upon my latest ex. The way he tells it, it was her idea. He’d said something like “he can go fuck himself” and she’d asked “do you really mean that?”. It went downhill from there. She bought all the shit from Amazon and wherever, and he promised to dose my protein power.

For a long while I didn’t notice any difference. I’m sure my loads were getting larger and larger, and I did remember thinking how awesome my wanking had become some month into it. Two months in I couldn’t go a day without doing it, often more than once. I think it was three and a half month in when I started to think something was seriously off. I woke one morning with the hardest morning erection, but it was all lubed up. At some point I had begun pre-cumming like crazy.

Whatever switch had been flipped, that was now the new normal. As soon as I got hard, I started to leak slimy lube. And I got hard several times a day. I started experimenting with tissue papers in my trunks. I definitely didn’t want to have to start using menstrual shit, which probably wouldn’t work, or nappies, which were such an overkill. Perhaps there were alternatives, but I didn’t want to ask anyone either. I did buy lots of extra underwear, and I could smell the scent of dirty sex in my laundry basket, which probably meant others could smell it on me.

I don’t know if I got lucky or he had gotten sloppy, but I caught Andrew in the act of spiking my powder. He admitted right away, and said he thought it had gone on for a bit too long as a prank. But she kept buying supplements, and he could deal with any troubles with me just be thinking about what he was slowly doing to me. Of course he had no idea how bad it had gotten. I didn’t want people to know I was essentially a lube and spunk faucet by now. I gave him an earful and threatened calling the cops, so he gave up all information easily. In the end it was just a house mate taking things a bit too far. Way too far, it turned out, hence my doctors appointment.

- And how long have you been off these supplements?
- Two months now.
- No changes since you stopped.
- None that I can tell.
- Well, the good news is the PSA test doesn’t show any levels indicative of cancer. It takes a while to build muscles, and twice as long to lose them. The same applies to most things in the body. I can prescribe something to lower the sex drive, but there are side effects I think are prohibitive. My recommendation for now is to just take it easy on the masturbation, and wait for another six months to see if it resolves itself.

Read my commentary.


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