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- We found your secret.

I’ve just entered my room, and turn around towards the sound to see three unknown, almost naked hot males in and around my bed. This is literally a dream come true. My brain is speeding to figure out who they are and why they are here, while at the same time it is winding down and handing over control to my dick. I don’t know anyone rich enough to surprise me with a harem of hot escorts, nor have I told anyone I would like that to happen. Or that I’m gay to begin with. My eye catches the tattoo on the chest of the guy in the middle, and then frantically trace the tattoos all over the body. It’s Erica’s tattoos. Moody, staying-out-late, dating-dangerous-guys Erica. Fuck, that secret! This isn’t a dream, but a nightmare.

What used to be Jessica, judging by the chest tattoo, is closing the door and blocking my way out. I’m in good shape, in no small part thanks to the elixir, but I never used so much that anyone would be suspicious. God knows how much they’ve used. I doubt I could take any one of them in a fight, let alone all three. Except for Erica I’m older than them, but now no one would guess it.

- You’re not going anywhere until you’ve told us what the fuck this is and how to reverse it.
- Well, it’s a magical elixir I keep in the Apfelkorn bottle, but you already know that and you know what it does. Why the fuck are you here drinking my stuff anyway? It’s not like this is my fault.
- I wanna fuck him!

I just stared at what must be Madelaine. She's the youngest of my sisters and doesn’t have any tattoos. Of course, she must be the hardest hit with all the hormones.

- You skipped the important part of Jessie’s question. How the fuck do we reverse this?

Erica was the oldest, so presumably the least affected, but looking at her body she had had a pretty big swig out of the bottle as well, so there would be some hormone effects as well. The horny, aggressive kind.

- Where is the bottle?
- Smashed. We had a bit of a brawl when trying to assign blame. We decided this is all your fault. Again, how do we reverse it?

Fuck, fuckety fuck. I feel a sting of envy. My sisters get to look like this, while I have to work out like a normal person. The potion has already done what I wanted, giving me a lean surfer body, rearranging some of my genetics on the way there, but I would have to start watching my food and not skip gym quite so often. I sunk down in my gamer chair.

- It’s from the Asian store on 7th and Queen. I bought it back when I was chunky. A bit pricey, but the old owner told me to take a drop a day until I was happy with myself.
- I know the store, but it’s been closed for two years now.
- I know.
- I gonna fuck him!
- I’m not gonna stop you sister.
- Hey, get off me! What’s wrong with you? Ever heard of incest?
- Ever heard of Game of Thrones? You know exactly what’s wrong with us, and we already made a truce not to fuck each other. Guess who that leaves?

I managed to pretend long enough that I was horrified by the prospect, and to put up a bit of a fight. They practically swore an oath to fuck me as often as they could. Turns out this wasn’t a nightmare after all.

Read my commentary.


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