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Just before we reached the stairs he grabbed me, pulled me towards him and positioned us in the hallway. He looked into the full length mirror in the hallway.

- Hey kid, take a good, long look at us. You’re young, handsome, athletic. Perhaps a bit skinny, but I could tell someone to help you with that. Some coaching and you’d have twice the muscles in a year. I’d even set that up for free. Now really look at me. You can gain and lose weight, shave or grow the hair and beard, but you’d be stuck with this face every morning. Speak with his voice every time you answer the phone. Hell, this is the smell you’d wake up in every morning. It’s a one way trip, you get that? You know my past, seen what I do. You have at least some idea of the shit you would be stepping into. Are you really sure you want to?

I thought of a reason not to do it. Any reason. My thoughts kept going to the funeral with dad on display, and mum, true to form, not being there at all. I went through the list of people I know. None of them were a reason against. Quite a few even a reason to go ahead with it. Fuck them all.

- Let’s do it.
- Your loss kid, but I ain’t gonna ask a third time.


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