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So you want to know more about my approach to hypnosis? Big change, fast change, and lasting change, pick any two. I prefer big changes. The kind where if you meet someone you haven’t met in perhaps a year, they are convinced you are a different person. Look similar perhaps, but definitively a different person. Sometimes you can achieve much with small changes, but again, that takes time and we are back to our trinity.

More important for me though is the quality of the change, the durability. That although the changes are only mental, they are as hard to undo as an amputation or vaginoplasty. Also that they don’t morph over time, like a fading tattoo or organ rejection. So that leaves time as the factor I have to give up. But I’m happy to wait for a fine wine to age and develop its flavors.

Take Mitchell as an example, or Mike as he calls himself now. The first suggestion was almost imperceptible. “Lose the tie, Mitchell. Look around, no one else at the company wears a tie. Casual work environments are more productive and more fun to work in. You want to be productive, right? To have fun at work? After all, what is a tie if not just corporate auto asphyxiation.” No one cares after the first day or two.

Then another push, “Why not go to the pub at 22nd and Main and have some beers with the hip crowd. Wine and cocktail with the office at Hyde Bar is fine the first 10 times, but you are young and adventurous, and deserve to have fun. You even look casual at work.”

Then slowly over many months I work my way through the plan. From suits to khakis to jeans to sweatpants. From shirt to polo to T-shirt. From artisanal cocktails with vacuum filtered yuzu juice to shots at the dive bar to vodka sprite at his new mates’ flat. The mates from the new work that he hastily had to get once he wasn’t the “right fit” for the previous one anymore.

What’s that? What’s the point of having him drop his pants so low when he takes a piss? Every time you reach a plateau of progress you want to add something odd or difficult. Something he would try to rebel against, but you can easily observe when he finally submits. That way you know you have him firmly where you want him. A kind of exam before you progress to the next phase.

And boy is it an exciting phase. He is no longer on the CFO path, and in about 6 months, plus whatever the sentence, he will legally not be allowed to handle cash professionally. To use the wine analogy again, you put in a lot of work growing, juicing, fermenting, and bottling. Then you put it in the cellar for many years and let it age.

It’s the same thing here. I’m busy cramming loads of triggers and instructions into him, but once he is incarcerated it’s hands off for a long while. If the programming wasn’t strong enough he’ll be out early on good behavior. If they spin out of control he won't be coming out on time at all. But if it all goes to plan, what will emerge is just the right amount of bad bad-boy. Jacked and tatted, a cell blocks' worth of experience in rough sex, and submissive AF.

Read my commentary.


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