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Brad: Waazaaaap Meatheads!
Tommy: Hello everyone. My name is Tommy.
Brad: And my name is Brad, and you’re watching One More Rep!
Tommy: The number one show about Health, Hi-jinx and Heavy lifting.
Tommy: We have a fantastic show for you, but first make sure you are subscribed, and if you like what you see, press the little coin icon to support us.
Brad: You know me, I’m all for natural weight gain, the old fashioned way.
Tommy: Using supplements and hormones.
Brad: Damn right! But some people are looking for ways to get off that plateau, and we’ve talked about many of them, but have you ever heard about stem-threads?
Tommy: Not until you told me about it.
Brad: So for those as ignorant as Tommy..
Tommy: Hey, don’t insult our viewers!
Brad: Our meatheads can take it. For those who haven’t had the time to keep up, there is a new thing in plastic surgery called stem-threads.
Tommy: Basically it’s like a small thread of bio-polymer packed full with stem cells. You simply inject it into a muscle, and like a week later the polymer is dissolved and the stem cells has turned into muscle.
Brad: You know us. Anything muscle we need to check out.
Tommy: Unfortunately we are pretty happy with our bodies as they are so.
Brad: You guessed it! Prank of the week!
Tommy: So the man you can see at the center of the shot is Sam Matthews. He has no idea what we have prepared for him.
Brad: Sorry for the shaky long lens video here.
Tommy: He is on his way home from the office. One of his coworkers told us about how he talks too much about his X-fit.
Brad: We don’t have a problem with that, but as you can see on his body he only talks the talk.
Tommy: Now here is a van inconsiderably parked on the sidewalk, side door open. Looks like someone is moving in or out of the building with the open door. He can’t really step out into the traffic, so he has to squeeze between the van and the building.
Brad: Watch carefully now… Bam! 4.2 seconds from he is grabbed until out cold, tranquilized in the van, and the prank is officially on.

Tommy: Now, before we show you any more we have a guest in the studio who joined us while you were watching that clip. Please welcome doctor Michael Cameron to the studio.
Brad: Yo Mike!
Michael: Hello guys.
Tommy: So you are a surgeon at the Johnson clinic. What do you do there?
Michael: So at the Johnson clinic, which exists in 11 different cities, we offer a full range of body enhancements, where stem-threads is one of our latest additions.
Brad: So you are gonna help us meatheads explain what’s going on.
Michael: I’ll do my best.
Tommy: What do we see here?
Michael: This is Samuel prepped and ready for surgery. You really only need to wash and disinfect the skin.
Brad: Hey, Mike! He looks very naked.
Michael: Yeah, well normally the patient take off their clothes themselves. We had to help Sam a bit there. They will not fit after the procedure though.
Brad: No, I mean he looks VERY naked.
Michael: Before this procedure we had a laser epilation done. It’s not required for the procedure though.
Tommy: I should say that before any procedure was started on Sam, Tommy, Michael and I had meeting to decide what to do. I was going for that prize body builder look.
Brad: I was more looking for a really manly strong man, but you won this one.

Michael: So what you can see now is the applicator.
Brad: Looks like a taser gun to me.
Michael: As you can see I just press it at the base of the muscle, and the thread automatically follows the fiber of the muscle. What’s amazing about this technique is, although it is invasive, the threads are so thin it doesn’t cause any inflammation. It just feels like you had a killer workout.
Tommy: So you just moved back and forth over the end of the muscle.
Michael: Yes. It doesn’t take that long to seed a muscle, normally. In this case I have to spend a bit more time, and we are doing the entire body almost.

Brad: And this is all done?
Michael: I wish. This is three hours later and we are done with the upper body.
Tommy: Let’s pause here for a moment and admire the work you’ve done there.
Brad: Yeah, totally sick, Mike. I like the little extra you threw in for me.
Michael: As you mentioned there were a bit of a disagreement about his exact aesthetics, so this is a fairly traditional competition body builder, but with some accentuated deltoids, trapezius and sternocleidomastoid.
Brad: I’m not sure I ever heard about the last one.
Michael: It’s the larger neck muscles that come down on either side of the neck.
Brad: Yeah! Thick neck. That’s what I’m talking about.
Tommy: That is quite a long time of surgery.
Michael: Yes, this is pretty extensive work you guys have requested. Normally it is much more limited, and often it is done with local anesthesia and over multiple sessions, if needed.

Tommy: So this we see now is obviously is you working on the legs. Anything different?
Michael: No, it’s pretty much the same thing. A bit longer fibers, so you have to go a bit slower, but far fewer muscle groups so it doesn’t take as long overall.
Tommy: Let’s talk circulation.
Brad: Vascular shit.
Michael: Yes, so this large increase in mass of course requires quite a bit of oxygenation. When we do such substantial work we always want to increase the capacity of circulation, so we perform a Robinson-expansion.
Tommy: We’ve talked about that in a previous episode. That’s when you basically hook him up to a machine that mix the blood with chemicals that expands the blood vessels.
Michael: That’s correct. Originally this was just to clear out cholesterol and widen the vessels, now we routinely apply this to athletes to give them that extra boost.

Tommy: So Brad, why is the video all pixelated all of a sudden.
Brad: Yeah, well everything needs to be in proportion, so I thought he needed some help between the legs as well.
Tommy: And this is another of your services?
Michael: Yes, penis enlargement is a fairly requested procedure, especially with how far we have come in creating larger genitalia that behaves just as it should.
Brad: And you put something extra in the coin purse, didn’t you?
Michael: So when we do testicle enhancements we have a number of different options. One thing we can do now is stem cell injections, that not only makes a natural augmentation, but also boosts the hormone levels.

Tommy: And this we see now is hair going the other direction than before. I wanted him to have a full head of hair, as it does so much to the overall look.
Michael: I should emphasize that this is not hair transplants from different parts of the body, but artificially grown follicles that we just inject with the applicator. It takes three days to grow in place, so we normally just apply a gel that firms up a bit, and then is dissolved in shower a few days later.
Tommy: Since Sam is going to sleep for a few days here, you didn’t need to do that.
Brad: As I’ve said, I’m all for hair so I wanted to be part of this. I asked Michael to make sure Sam has all the facial hair options, and give it that extra push. Five o’clock shadow at noon, if you know what I mean. Shade the brows a bit more too.
Michael: Actually making the eye brows stronger is a really quick way to get a more masculine look.
Brad: You can do a whole lot more than that, can’t you, right?
Michael: Yes, we have a long list of options for augmenting and contouring forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, jaw and Adams apple. We can deepen the skin color by adjusting hormone production. We can deepen the voice with vocal cord injections. A lot of stuff. These are often used in transgender surgery, but they can of course be used on males to give them that extra.
Brad: You hear that Sam? We’re giving you that extra. We swipe the credit card on all of that for you.
Tommy: He can’t hear you. He’s anesthetized. Thank you Dr. Michael Cameron for all the great work.
Michael: Thank you guys.
Brad: After the break, we wake Sam up! Ooo, you thought this was happening just now? No, this was like two weeks ago. Our boy Sam is gonna be manlier than ever when we come back.
Tommy: Like and subscribe!

Read my commentary.
Read the
second part.


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