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What was I thinking? I had totally lost judgement when Stacy responded to my text message. I’d sent her “wanna see my dick rn” at home, but didn’t get the “lol ok” until at the gym. It was empty this early, so I thought getting caught dick pic:ing was pretty slim. I was facing the mirror after all, not the whole gym.

But I had been seen, and led by a massive employee into his office as I was heading out. Perhaps he was the owner. He offered me a choice between doing some testing for him, or involving the police. Who knows what that could lead to. Sex offender registration? The deal he offered of tasting sport drinks was an easy option to take. A new drink to test every two weeks or so, while following a pre-approved workout regimen.

- Ok, I’ll do it. Will you delete the video?
- They overwrite automatically every two months.

Perhaps this could be a good thing. I was to work out twice a day during the testing, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Get fit or go to jail. If ever there was a better motivator. Yeah, this would definitively be a good thing. Just need to get a bit better grip on the diet. No more cheat weeks, and I should be set.

- It’s fully sponsored, so I want you to wear this the next two weeks.

He gave me a gaudy yellow shirt made in some high tech material, with an ugly anthropomorphic muscled banana drawn on the front. Well, it’s not an orange prison shirt at least, though just as conspicuous.

- See you tomorrow then. Front staff will have your pre-workout drink ready for you.

I showed up as agreed and picked up my jug of “Banana Blast” at the entrance. I’m not really a fan of banana flavor, but as banana drinks goes this one was pretty good. I kept sipping on it while changing into my gym gear and the outlandish top. Once ready to hit the gym I still had almost half of it left, which I chugged.

It wasn’t a full on erection, so it actually took a while for me to notice. I’m sure I made a few adjustments subconsciously before noticing I was having a semi. These things do happen, but I’m not a teenager any more, so it’s rare. This one was a bit different though, as it kept up until about lunch time.

My mind was mostly on Stacy, who appeared to have ghosted me after the picture I sent, so I wouldn’t even had remembered if it weren’t for what happened later that afternoon, back at the gym. I had barely finished the drink and hadn’t even hit the gym floor when the erection came back. Harder than I’ve ever been in my life, I think. What’s worse was that the gym also was pretty packed at this hour. The bright shirt made everyone take a look, and though most missed or ignored my hard on, I certainly got both smirks and looks of incredulity. I was mortified.

So this was how he was going to make me pay. By putting some Viagra shit in the drink to teach me a lesson. I wasn’t going to let that beat me, so I went all in on the exercises I had scheduled. No one said anything, but there were glances my way all through the pass. And I couldn’t just run and hide either, as I had to complete and hand in the damn questionnaire. I noted down the weights and reps as I was going, but still had lots of measurements and open ended questions to answer. I left the box about side effects blank. He damn well already knew what the did.

I was hard all through the evening, and tried to solve it with a hand job. Frustratingly I grew tired and gave up before I could cum. A quick cold shower helped a bit, but ultimately I went to bed with a pretty stiff dick. It was a bit better when I woke up. It was still at least semi erect, but no longer rock hard. It perked right up again as soon as I had the morning jug of banana bullshit. Who could have thought 30 minutes of cardio could be so complicated with a hard on. Orbital was uncomfortable, treadmill was like an inflatable tube man dancing down there, and the bike was outright torture.

If there was any shrinkage happening between training, it was insignificant. Whatever aphrodisiac he’d saturated me with had me in a constant kind of soft semi. Well, larger than that. A soft on.

In fact, ironically it appeared I couldn’t get hard. While the big sausage flopped around during the afternoon session, it was as sensitive as it had ever been. I was practically edging myself, to the point where I almost wasn’t aware of all the stares and glances. As soon as I was done with the paperwork I rushed home to finish off in the shower, but without success. It was like shaking a water balloon.

I woke up as I fell asleep. Sore all over, weird soft erection and horny AF. Nothing changed with the drinks and the training, though I got a bit better at ignoring everyone else at the gym. It was leg day though, so if anyone had missed what was happening between my legs before, they had no excuse any longer. There was a new question on the form, asking “Have you experienced any increased sensitivity anywhere on the body?”. I knew what he was after. I was close to answering “my tits”, but decided it best to not kick the bear. I was determined to not show any sign of weakness.

Things then kept pretty much the same throughout the week, neither worse nor better. I was frustratingly horny and a bit movement constrained with a floppy salami in my pants, but was slowly able to work around it. My carpenter trousers at work could hide a lot, and I bought a pair of compression shorts to wear under my gym shorts to keep things in place. In addition I started to learn how to move, walk and do the exercises without embarrassing myself too much. All the gym regulars already knew what was going on though.

There were a few more tweaks on the questionnaire to try to provoke me into disclosing what was happening. I refused to admit that, of course, and there were no further changes during the second week, up to the last day of Banana Blast.

First day after the trial was no different. I still had a come in and do my workouts and fill out the forms, and physically there were no changes. The morning after that though. HO-LEE SHIT. I could feel I was hard right away as I woke up, and my hand went down there almost immediately. What I felt was wrong. I jumped out of bed and just stood naked, looking down and marveling. My dick was a monster, probably twice the size of my usual erect size, which I wasn’t ashamed of. I came pretty quickly, with an ungodly amount of cum, and continued several rounds of climax before I finally went limp. Only that meant back to how it had been for the last week.

When I finally did show up at the gym, more than an hour late, it was almost exactly like any morning the previous week, except perhaps a bit less horny. I don’t know if I should thank him or curse him for what he’s done to my body, but at least he got his revenge. I’m gonna make another attempt with Stacy tonight.

Read my commentary.


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