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I think the origin for this was a UN report on penis sizes. Apparently getting good fitting condoms had been a big issue. Now, I can't find the actual data anymore, but a quick search finds many different tables, mostly with similar data. One thing that everyone agreed on was that the largest dicks were in Africa, usually Congo. Knowing that the first heart transplant in the world was done in South Africa I had the basis for a story.

I started to think about what would a clinical look at penis size look like. How would you categorize different dicks? If you are creating an ordered list, what is the sorting criteria? Pretty soon I came to the conclusion that you want to sort on volume, so approximate by a cylinder. To resolve the shower vs. grower issue, combine the flaccid and erect volume, and finally combine with the testicles, approximated by spheres. I'm not sure multiplication is the correct operation, or if it should be a simple addition of the three, or applying some weights (haha).


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