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So this was a case of finding the image first and then having the brain do its own thing. I started to think about what would happen if you found a pile like this. What would you do? I started to write a story where this would happen in a hotel, and all your other belongings were gone once you stepped out of the shower. But instead of figuring out a story of what would happen to the story protagonist, the original question of what you would do was more interesting. So instead I removed as many decisions as possible and rewrote it as a hypothetical to the reader, to ask them what they would do.

I instantly got lots of requests for follow ups. I didn't just want to churn out similar sounding texts with a photo of different kinds of clothes, so it took a while before the first follow up came.

The first draft:


As he stepped out from the bathroom, still wet, bath towel in hand, the arrangement on the floor was the first thing he saw. It was such an odd thing to find that he didn’t even think about who had left it, or if they were still in the room. Once his brain reattached he immediately turn and look out the door peep hole. Nothing. The door was still bolted, with the chain attached he realized.

Suspicious, he slowly walked around the room once. It wasn’t large, a bed, a night stand, an armchair with a small table and a typical hotel furniture combining a desk with drawers, suit case stand and a mini fridge. Holding the towel around his waist he carefully looked behind the black out curtains and saw that both windows were still shut.

Nothing else looked out of the ordinary, except his pile of clothes on the bed was missing. He quickly opened his carry on case, the only thing he traveled with on business trips. Everything that wasn’t clothes were still there, but no trace of his underwear, socks, T-shirts or backup shirt. He looked back at the pile. “No fucking way” he thought. He knew several of the conference delegates that stayed at this hotel. What would they think if he walked around like this?

He looked back into the bath room. The bathrobe was still there. That would be an even worse option to walk around in. He could call the front desk perhaps. The pile doesn’t even make sense. Shorts and jogging pants. Track top, but no T-shirt. And what kinds of brands are aussiebum and sk8erboy?

Perhaps he could pretend to be going to the hotel fitness center. Or even out for a jog. The weird underwear would be hidden, and he can have the adidas pants and top. Then find some reasonable clothes and be back within the hour. Best plan so far.


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