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At first Trevor had thought the behavior modulation sessions had been nothing but relaxing. Mostly it was just him sitting in a chair with a headset on, repeating out loud whatever was being said. The words and sentences were often part of a theme, sometimes everyday phrases like “Please, be quiet” or “I’d like to order”, and sometimes pretty vulgar stuff like “Do you kiss your mothers cunt with that mouth?” and “I’ll shit in your mouth if you don’t shut it!”. It would just repeat the same phrase until he got the intonation right, so he discovered it was easiest to just think as little as possible and repeat the sounds he heard. Less frequently he got to sit in front of a monitor and just watch movies, typically of people in gyms, beaches and other places with groups of people. Only once more had he got back into the pilot helmet, and there he blacked out again like the first time.

He had loved the relaxed feeling after any of the sessions. How he was chill with everyone and everything. It wasn’t until two weeks in that he realized he called everyone “bro” or “dude”. First he was surprised by it. Kind of like when you first see the arrow in the FedEx logo and wonder why you have never seen it before. After that it is impossible to unsee.

Once he started to pay attention he realized that his speech pattern were deteriorating. It was grammatically incoherent, laced with swear words and punctuated with “bro”. He could speak correctly, with effort, but it was like talking a different language. He had to work to find the correct words and putting them in order. But now that he had started to notice, instead of improving he just winced on the inside immediately after he’d spoken.

Once he had realized the changes in speech, he started to look for other changes. He realized was pulling and adjusting his clothes more than he used to, perhaps. He was definitely scratching himself more than before. The frustrating thing was that he couldn’t be sure if these were changes or if he had always done them. Even worse, he knew that he was blind to many changes. He had only discovered these because he looked for them. Every time he caught himself with his hand up his shirt or down his shorts, he wondered what small things had he not caught.

But other, more alarming and more obvious changes were taking place. He had seen the trickle of hundreds of small changes accelerate to a stream over the past few months until the dam broke some weeks ago. He wasn’t “gaining muscle” or “adding weight” anymore. He was exploding. Every day he could lift heavier than the day before, hold it longer, push harder. The meals couldn’t come soon enough and he practically inhaled oat meal porridge, tuna, chicken, broccoli, brown rice, protein goop or whatever else he was given. He repeatedly got handed clothes in new sizes. He realized that even if he still could dance, no one would cast him for any role based on his looks.

His biggest source of despair however started on Monday. Mr. Thompson held his usual weekly performance review and dropped the bomb that Trevor had failed to keep his cardio values above punishment threshold, despite a warning the previous week. He presented again a chart showing how Trevor’s times on cardio had been slipping across the board. Trevor knew it was happening, but couldn’t fathom why. Since the warning he had pushed himself harder than ever before, but the numbers Mr. Thompson showed him spoke the truth. It was like he could only run shorter and shorter distances before exhausting himself, despite getting larger and stronger.

- We clearly must set an example, so you don’t get any ideas of slacking off. At the same time we want to be reasonable, so we'll adjust the limits post procedure.

- What procedure?

Trevor was taken to one of the procedure rooms, where he was told to strip and lie on the table. Having done so, a doctor Trevor had never seen before applied some cold, transparent gel to his dick and balls with gloved hands. He could feel his junk shrivel by the cold, but also a weird sensation of numbness. After a minute the doctor plunged a syringe with milk white contents into one of his balls and injected its content there. Trevor had braced for the pain, but to his surprise didn’t feel a thing. The doctor did the same on the other ball. He then picked up a device that looked like a small, black flash light with a slightly bent chrome tube at the end. He carefully inserted it into Trevor’s dick, made a few checks that it was positioned correctly and then pressed a button on the device. It made a hissing sound, not unlike when you open a well shaken soda bottle. And that
was it. The doctor removed the device and Trevor was told to resume his schedule.

Once the numbing started to wear off during the day he got more and more conscious of how tender and swollen his dick and balls were. He had to take much more care as he performed his exercises, and all forms of cardio was a torture. Running was the worst. The tenderness slowly went away over a few days, but the dick and balls remained as swollen. If anything they grew a bit more and firmed up. His balls were like chicken eggs and his flaccid penis was easily as large as his erections used to be.

It didn’t hurt anymore though, but it really bothered him that he had to readjust his balls every time he sat down or changed stance. The change really hit him when he went to his first behavior modulation session after the procedure and sat down in front of the monitor. Unlike all of the various benches and gym equipment he jumped between daily, this was a normal, common office chair. And he simply couldn’t sit like normal in it. His thighs squeezed his balls, almost painfully so, and the arm rests were in the way to spread his legs. He scooted forward in the seat, slouched and let his legs spread as far as needed. He almost blushed thinking how vulgar he looked.

He made an effort to sit properly by pulling his junk up and out, shuffled in the seat, back straight up, legs straight down, and let go of his dick and balls. It was really uncomfortable, and to his great disappointment looked perhaps even more lewd with the large mass protruding straight up from his groin. Dejected he shuffled back into the relaxed position and started the video session.

Read the continuation.


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