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The origin for this story was simply the idea to use GMO or injected cattle as a vehicle to introduce body altering effects. There are a lot of stories about how hormones and antibiotics from farm animals carry over to humans that eat it. I quickly settled on it being used purposefully, and not by mistake, and almost as quickly went to having a relative visiting from town being altered. I wasn't sure about why at first. Was it a practical joke taken too far, a revenge story, or something else. As I was writing the introduction, and his reason for visiting kept getting darker, it became more and more an underdog story. My only job then was to keep everything that happened to him have a purpose and keep him as oblivious as possible. Perhaps I went a bit overboard adding in the combat training from the Polish guys, but this is the Hollywood version, not the arthouse version.

Finding the right photo was also a bit of a challenge, and I obviously had to make some story adjustments to explain why he was fishing. Hopefully it looks like it was on purpose from the start. I found that photo while looking for something for the Trigger Hicks story. And as always, I do some searches to find at least a few alternatives, but none of them came close to being the clean looking, rural muscle hunk I needed for the story.

I even outsourced getting the before picture to a fan on tumblr that helps me finding appropriate photos based on the drafts I send him. In addition to the one I actually used, he sent the following ones.

I felt the last one probably would have been best. He looked and you could kind of imagine his feature would look like in the after photo when taken from a different angle. Unfortunately I didn't find a higher quality image, so I went with a different one.

My tumblr friend also had two suggestion for the actual story in the draft I sent him. He would like to know more about what happened to "his manhood" and more about his hair. The story was getting a bit long as it were, but I added a small mention of his hair, but then wrote this for him in a message:

The hair was really getting in the way, and was growing more rapid than usual, so there really wasn't a choice. It had to go. If I hadn't banged my head in the engine block we could have gone to the barber in town, but going there just to get an haircut was just a waste of time. And getting all the oil out of the hair would take forever, so Cat was right that a quick buzz cut would solve all problems. Still, I felt getting naked as she ran the machine over my head. It didn't take long, and man did it feel good after. I kept rubbing the stubble for days. 


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