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You wake up violently from the sound of someone pounding a metal locker. “30 minutes to formation” someone shouts. You have no idea what is happening. Around you you can see people stirring in beds, and reluctantly, but hastily getting up. All of them men in their early 20:s. All of them fit. Not magazine cover fit, but laborer fit. Outdoor fit. Soldier fit. Someone already in uniform shakes on you. “Hey, you need to speed up”. You have no idea what to do. “What the hell is going on? Where am I?”, you ask. “Ha fucking ha. Get dressed.”, he says and walks away.

You look around, still confused. You sit up and hit your head in the top bunk above you. As you rub your buzzcut head you take in the flurry of activities around you. Everyone is doing something different, but you see the pattern. They are all getting dressed in the single color green uniform. Wait! You have a buzzcut?!

Your body, at least the parts you can see and feel, is hyper masculine. This is the most fit body you have ever touched, and possibly even seen in person. More so than anyone else you can see in the room. You realize that you need to start moving. Do something rather than nothing. Questions can wait until later. You stand up and start to mimic what everyone else is doing. It’s just getting dressed after all. How hard can it be?

Someone rests their hand on your shoulder. “How the fuck are you so slow today? What the hell did you do yesterday?” You turn to face another, fully dressed soldier. He smiles. “I’ll take care of your bed. Now you owe me two. Get your head in the game, our you’ll have your ears screamed off.” You imagine you will be yelled at a lot today.

Read my commentary.


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