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It was a drab February Wednesday and Chris woke with giddiness and anticipation as if it was Christmas morning. Why he didn’t know. After all, his last thought the evening before was of desperation bordering on suicidal. But he knew that today was a good day, even before opening his eyes. Everything felt better. More energetic.

He wasn’t even surprised to find that his body had totally transformed over night. Sure, he was curious. He’d basically prayed his way through every pantheon he knew, so it was anyone's guess who actually answered. But why had it happened? What else was different in the world? He didn’t know but he would like nothing more than to get out of bed and start exploring.

His hair was the same as before, and he didn’t mind. The face was different, but subtly so. The body, however, was miles different than last night. He was the same height as before, but instead of rings of belly fat and slim arms, he had washboard abs and well defined muscles all over. He moved his body, testing how it felt. His arms didn’t touch side-boob anymore. He could lean from side to side without love handles piling up and getting in the way.

What would he wear for school? He grabbed the flannel shirt he wore yesterday. Unbuttoned he looked like a very relaxed Abercrombie & Fitch ad. He started digging in the wardrobe. Somewhere in there he was sure there were some medium sized give away T-shirts he had never used.

Two timezones away Tom regretted a hangover. More than that he regretted shouting “Fuck you God! This is life in easy mode!”. But most of all he regretted his new belly.


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