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This is a series I had read before and taken note of, but forgotten until casualpatrolperfection messaged me and I went back and read through his works. I felt like the story needed a conclusion. Initially I just imagined Winston waking up in his apartment several years later, with a pile of money and a body that wasn't his, but no recollection of what had happened. I couldn't figure out a why Mr. Turns would take the trouble to set that up, but came up with the much better idea that of the trap when ending his employment. I'm treating Mr. Turns like the Devil, setting up traps but honoring deals and always speaking the truth. There are basically four different outcomes. Winston leaves unmodified, he leaves just reverting his body, he leaves just reverting his mind, or he reverts first his body and then his mind. Mr. Turns would be OK with all of them. If you plot out the story forward all of them can be made bad for Winston, by varying degrees. I could have left out the other body modifications, but I just liked the idea of him constantly rubbing his nylon speedos.


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