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It should happen soon now.

These had been the best days ever. Buying that necklace from the old Indian man in the antique store was the best money ever spent. He said that it would be uncomfortable at first. No shit. As soon as I clasped it around my neck everything hurt like hell. I must have screamed. Lucky I picked this weekend, when mum and dad are away. I wonder what they would have thought if they had walked in on their son growing into a beast of a man in just minutes.

And when I say beast, I’m talking super fucking ripped. When the change was done, and I stopped being curled up as a ball of pain on the floor, I spent a good ten minutes just flexing and admiring my body in the mirror. So large. So much mass, muscle and hair. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone who looks like this?

And it isn’t just for show either. I bent so much silverware in the kitchen, and not matrix style either. If someone is going to have an ass whopping in the family, it’s never gonna be me again. No one will pick on me anymore.

Finding any of dads clothes that fit was a challenge. He is now shorter than me and wider in all the wrong places, and with way smaller feet. I managed to find some flip flops that kind of worked and enough clothes to be able to do some shopping. After getting something new to wear I decided to buy some spirits for the first time. Some bourbon from the liquor store by the mall. Obviously I don’t have any ID yet, but apparently shouting “Are you fucking shitting me!?” counts as acceptable ID to buy there.

I may have passed out not long after that. The Saturday was more productive. I managed to find all the members of the Stevens gang and beat the shit out of them fuckers. Since this was Saturday they were not together as they are in school, so I had plenty of time with each of them. I think Aaron broke something.

The old fool had told me I shouldn’t wear this necklace for more than 12 hours at a time. Something about the spirit of youth and anger. I don’t fucking care. They all had it coming. And I should absolutely not wear it for more than 24 hours, he said, or the changes will be stuck. Fuck yeah I say.

It should happen soon now.

Read my commentary.


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