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So I had finally worked up the nerves. We were out of the apartment, in public. She still had some food left, but I had finished mine. McDonald’s. Unpretentious. I could walk out at any point if she started to get to vocal, or even physical. I know that she loves me, but the way she jealously overprotect and controls me has just gotten worse. Time to end this.

- I have something I need to tell you.
- Oh honey, I already know.
- No, not this. This is important.
- You are going to dump me.
- I… Yes. How did you know?
- I’ve seen how you struggled. Always distracted by work, colleagues, friends. I just wish you told me sooner.

I was beyond surprised. I had expected crying and sobbing, or screams and hugs, or something. Not this matter of fact display.

- Oh. So how do we go from here? Should I pick up my things from your  place tomorrow?
- No, silly. My place is much bigger. It’s much better we live there.
- I don’t understand?
- Is it really that fast acting?

I just stared at her. Had she gone mad? I just told her I’m going to break up, and she acts like we are arranging the marriage.

- You know what. I’ll leave now, and call you tomorrow.

I must have risen to quickly, as I almost blacked out, wobbled and sat down again. She rushed around the table to steady me.

- Are you OK? Do you need something to drink? Should I get an uber?
- I’m fine!

My place wasn’t far away, but I felt weird all the way walking home, and it probably took twice the time it should to get there. Once inside I felt exhausted. I pretty much just stripped and went straight to bed.

I woke up a few times, feeling ever worse. Clammy and probably fever. Perhaps it was fever dreams, but when I woke up at 5:38 I was fully convinced that SHE had done it, somehow. I called her.

- Hello honey. You’re up early. Are you feeling better?
- Did you do this?

My voice was raspy and raw.

- Did I do what, honey?
- I’m think I have the flu and an allergic reaction at the same time. Fever, sore, headache, hoarse voice obviously, and puffy all over.
- Oh, dear. Should I come and take care of you? Some soup?
- Stay away.

It had been a mistake to call her, of course. I’ll find a doctor on my own. I promptly fell asleep again.

When I woke up again I wasn’t myself anymore. Literally. The inflammation had accelerated and I wasn’t just puffy but proper swollen all over. I looked like I had pumped iron for a decade. I needed to see a doctor right away.

The body was completely alien to me and it took considerable effort to do anything. I passed through the apartment like a wrecking ball. I needed to get some clothes on. After quite some struggle I managed to find some underwear stretchy enough to get on. I looked in the mirror for the first time. Somehow I wasn’t surprised. I had seen the body while struggling to get any clothes on, but it was still jarring to see a skin colored hulk where I should be. It did surprise me that even the face was different. I really, really needed some medical attention. Even if I did have any clothes that would fit, which I did not, it would have taken me ages to accomplish anything in this state. I called her.

- Hi again honey. Are you feeling better?
- I should doctor.

My voice wasn’t hoarse anymore, but it was different and much deeper than before. Talking felt more of an effort than it should. Like the brain was running the wrong speed setting. Perhaps that’s why the voice was so low? No, that was dumb.

- Is it really that bad? Do you want me to help you go to the doctor?
- I’m too big.
- You are too big for the doctor?
- Need clothes.
- Honey, you don’t make any sense. I’ll bring some clothes and something to eat. We can figure this out together. Have you called in sick yet?
- Who?
- Don’t worry honey. See you soon.

I took off my underwear and went back to bed. If you wake up with different body once, perhaps if you wake up again you get the old one back.

The sound of the door bell jerked me awake. No new body. Not much anyway. Opened door.

- Oh, Hello! Oh! OOOO!

She stared at me. My face. My chest. My abs. My cock. She picked shorts from her bag. They fit. She told me to rest. Gave me a hat. It fit. She handed me a plate.

- There you go my love.
- Why love me? I’m not me.
- What do you mean honey?
- New body. New face. New voice. New… eh
- Mind?
- Yes.
- You don’t have anything left to lose, do you?
- No… Well, you.
- Oh, honey that is so sweet. Of course you will not lose me. You do want me to stay, don’t you?
- Yes.
- I’m so happy you said that.

Read my commentary.


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