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If it hadn’t been obvious enough when he punched Brett in the face, the walk with him from the bar down to the studio convinced me that Cody was the worst human being I had ever met. In less than 15 minutes he had gone through how Killary controlled the deep state on behalf of Obummer, how the Jews intentionally kept lies in main stream media, and he was well into a tirade on how George Soros financed false flag operations to boost black lives matter when we arrived. Some of his rambling was caused by the drug we’d slipped him, but it just removed the filter. The profanity and substantive nastiness was all him.

“This looks too faggy to be a real tattoo joint”, said Cody.

“They are real super-fags. But I have a copy of the owners key so I can come  here at any time and steal supplies.”, I said, being almost truthful. Cody smiled, I opened the door and we entered. He was too drugged to realize that the door was unlocked, as Matt and Thomas were already preparing inside. “Did you shower recently and are all your clothes clean?”

“Yes”, he answered with quite a bit of hesitation.

“You know what. We’ll just do a full sterilization procedure. No problem at all. Do you want the sleeve on the left or on the right?”

“Here”, he slapped his left bicep, “on the left side. A big American flag, and an eagle under it.”

“You got it. Just take off all your dirty clothes and we can get started.”

Cody started to ineptly remove his shirt and T-shirt while I stirred one knock-out pill into a glass of water. He didn’t even realize that we were not alone in the studio. Matt had closed and locked the door, and was now drawing the curtains so no one could see us working. Not that there was a lot of opportunities to begin with. The front part of our studio is where we do hair, nails and such simple procedures. Down in the back is where we have space for tattoo, massage and more advanced piercings. Thomas just returned from the storage room with the leg attachments for the procedure chair we have in the back.

“Here, drink this”, I said as I handed Cody the glass. “Your underwear and trousers are also not sterile, so you need to take those off as well.” Cody slowly complied without any argument.

“Hey, it’s so nice of you to hand out free tattoos. I’ve wanted one for a while.” His speech was slow and sloppy.

“I’m always happy to give special deals to true patriots. Follow me.”

Cody was standing fully naked in the front room, with his clothes in a heap around him, where they hit the floor. His eyes had a vacant look to them. He started moving towards me. I grabbed his arm and lead him into the back room, to the procedure chair. Without having to say anything Cody sat down on the chair and made himself comfortable.

Matt walked up to him from the other side, and for the first time Cody registered that someone else was there, though he didn’t make much of an expression. “I’m going to give you something to help with the pain”, said Matt and started to inject the contents of a syringe into Cody's arm. Cody didn’t question this, nor did he flinch when the syringe broke the skin. It contained some Russian shit that completely blocks any pain, or even touch sensations, for at least two hours. It’s not an illegal substance per se, but it is illegal to inject non-FDA approved nerve blockers into people without consent. Though Cody didn’t protest, as he was rapidly falling into unconsciousness.

00:00 “OK, he should be out for at least four hours. He wouldn’t have been able to form any long term memories from 10 minutes after the drink in the bar, but if he wakes up he will remember us. I don’t want to take any risks, so we should be done here in two hours.”

Immediately we sprung into action, as we had planned less than an hour earlier in the bar. Thomas wheeled in the shampoo sink and placed Cody's head in it, gave the hair a rinse and started to apply the bleach. Not technically, bleach, but some sort of peroxide based solution. Matt on his side used a disposable shaver and shaved Cody's left arm. He was probably under the most severe time constraints.

I begun to focus on my tasks. First I lifted Cody's legs into the leg rests, which made it look like he was on some sort of gynecological exam. I too picked a razor and did a quick shave of his dick and balls, and everything around. This was something I had done many times before for customers, so it went quite fast. I then proceeded to insert the guide tube into his dick, and punched through the hole. Piercings are not that complicated, and prince Albert is surprisingly common. Instead of going for the more traditional ring or horseshoe as healing jewelry, I removed the tube and inserted a similar looking Prince’s wand and screwed in the stop plug. I’d picked a style of Prince’s wand with a ring both through the tip and through the stop plug, and a hole through the tip ball. It makes it look like you have a ring piercing, allows you to slowly pee without removing the ball, and jingles a bit in the panties when you move around.

00:15 *BEEP* Already 15 minutes? Thomas was just about done with the hair and Matt had done the transfer of the stencil and had begun drawing the outline with the tattoo gun. “Ready to switch Thomas?"  "Yep”

I swapped to a fresh set of gloves and rolled my station table around to Cody's head. He had a plastic cap on, covering his hair while it turned white, and opaque, black glasses resting on his eyes. I started to line up all the instruments I needed while Thomas rolled the laser station to where I had just been. He checked that we all had protective glasses on, and started to carefully kill all the hair follicles in Cody's groin.

After wiping down the ears with the sterilizer I injected numbing fluid in the earlobe. I didn’t need the numbing effect, but it also reduced the blood flow for a while. I then centered a 6mm punch tool on the ear lobe and punched through, and quickly inserted the healing tunnel plugs. We had decided to go with a punch rather than just a piercing, as a fresh piercing would just grow shut in weeks without any jewelry in it. If you punch out a hole however you would have to go for reconstructive surgery. I used a 2g rose colored, stainless steel, double flared, screw on tunnel. It would both give a bit of a weight to the ears, allow you to instantly see that the ears have a proper hole in them, and match the overall look we were going for.

I walked over to the other side of the head, next to where Matt was sitting on a stool, working on the arm tattoo, and started doing the same procedure on the other ear.

00:30 *BEEP* As I finished up the second ear I saw that Thomas had begun working on the chest. There wasn’t much hair there to begin with, but Thomas had shaved off what little there was and was just about to start running the laser. I moved over to more conventional piercings and quickly made a septum piercing in his nose. I put the piercing as far front as possible to make a ring dangle and move as much as possible. Again I used a rose gold colored ring.

The next step was a bit more difficult than usual. Normally when someone gets a tongue piercing they follow instructions, open the mouth, move their tongue. As I was struggling with getting the instruments in position I felt the vibrations of a text message.

“Hey, Brett is just finishing up at the ER. They’ve set the nose, and he is swollen, but the doctor said he would look like normal in a few weeks.”

“That’s good to hear”, said Matt. “Can he go shopping, or will he head home?”

“I’ll ask”, I said and sent Brett a quick summary of what was going on. “Yes, he’ll pick up what we need and get here.”

00:45: *BEEP* “That’s my queue. Chest is ready for you Matt”, said Thomas. “And I’m just done with the tongue piercing”, I added. Matt carefully repositioned the arm, exposing the arm pit, and we all made a clockwise move of positions.

While Thomas started to wash out the chemicals from the hair, and Matt started an express chest tattoo, I begun shaving the armpit as quick as I could and then move the laser again and started to obliterate his arm pit hair. It was however amazing to see what Matt could achieve under such stress. It took him less than 10 minutes to draw a 2 inch Hello Kitty on the left side of Cody's now smooth chest, including a red bow.

“Hey Thomas, can you help me a minute and hold the lip down?” he asked. This wasn’t part of the plan we’d decided on. “Sure” Then Matt proceeded to quickly ink “CUMDUMP” inside the lower lip, just in time for the next marker.

01:00 *BEEP* Under these conditions I can’t guarantee that Cody will not have any arm pit hair, but for now at least he is as smooth as he can be. Matt and I swapped places and he continued with the arm tattoo, while I did the same shave and laser treatment for the other arm pit. Thomas was well into applying the hair dye. Earlier we did debate if we should even do anything with the hair, as the first thing Cody probably would do, once he figured out what state he is in, is to get a black hair dye or just shave it all off. But nothing changes your look as much as a completely different hair color, so neon pink it is. If Zayn Malik can, so can he. Once the dye was in he begun contouring the eyebrows with an  electrolysis pen.

01:15 *BEEP* “Oh, I wish I had time to do his face properly” said Thomas. We swapped positions again, me on face while Thomas started to shave his left leg. I went back to my tray and put on a fresh set of gloves, unwrapped the syringe and started to fill Cody's lips. Nothing major, it was his first time after all, but enough so that people would be unsure if he had had a procedure. Most  importantly he would notice.

01:30 *BEEP* Thomas had shaved both of the legs and were making progress running the laser on the lower parts of both legs. The thinking was that if we ran out of time, at least the part of the leg you can see should be hairless. I moved back in between Cody's legs for some quick piercings. First a belly button piercing with a cushion cut pink glass gem

Someone unlocked the front door. “Hello! Are you trying to look suspicious or what?” asked Brett. “Hi! We are in the back. Take some protective glasses”, I answered. Brett stopped in the doorway, just staring at the assailant spread out naked in front of him. “You look like shit” said Thomas. “I feel fine for at least another two hours, until the drugs wear off. Fuck, you guys have been busy.”

“Do you have everything I asked for?” I asked. “Yes, I picked up what you wanted from home and 7-Eleven. What do you need?”

“We are almost done here, so stay out of the way. Hand me the padlock key and the cat bell.”

“You got it!”

After the belly button I made a quick perineum piercing and put the cat bell on the ring. That should at least make him noticeable until he got home.

01:45 *BEEP* “Finishing sprint” said Thomas and went to give the hair a final wash and do some touch up cuts. I moved up to the torso, standing on the opposite side from Matt, and did two quick nipple piercings. I used a pair of standard healing rings, but on the left I put the padlock key.

“Can I have the device”, I asked Brett.

“Here” he responded and handed over a brand new chastity device in pink plastic. I opened the package and slipped on the different parts until Cody's dick was inside the device. Fortunately the device was a Large, so there wasn’t a problem fitting the dick with a Prince’s wand in it. “Padlock please” I locked the device in place.

“That’s all we have time for”, said Matt. We looked at the artwork he had spent more than an hour on. It was a surprisingly good and fairly large Rainbow Dash, given the constraints, sitting on Cody's upper arm.

“Underwear please” I asked, and Brett handed me a pink women's thong with white edges. “On discount”, he responded. He helped me lift the legs and slip on the panties almost all they way. We rested the legs in the leg rests again and did a final lift to get it in place.

Matt was done wrapping the tattoo, but Thomas was still styling the hair with wax. “Come on Thomas, we need to get going”. He quickly washed his hands while Brett, Matt and I together dressed Cody in a white sweatshirt that was cut a bit too high. It would probably not show the belly button when walking. Probably.

Continued in Beauty Studio Epilogue.
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