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- So, are you going to help him?
- I’m going to train him. Big difference.
- How so?

- I’ll start out with a high rep, low resistance program that includes all muscle groups. Lots of compound exercises requiring lots of oxygen. This will lay down the infrastructure in the body, and move the metabolic training to a place where we can burn off the fat. At the same time we can create the routines for training and nutrition to make it easy to regulate exercises and nutrition as we move along. I’ll make a demanding but reasonable schedule, one hour three times a week, meal planning for three meals a day, supplements at meals, and some pre- and post-workout shakes.

- I still don’t see how you are not helping him.

- The supplements will have to be carefully calibrated with narcotics so that the pre-workout supplements and post-workout supplements make it appear like it is the training he is getting addicted to. Or at least the training plus the supplements. I’ll hook him up with some gym buddies that can support him and motivate him to stick with the program. I’ll slowly but steadily start to dial up the exercises, the gym time, the diet.

- Well, still kind of helping him I suppose. Is this a scheme to make him dependent, so you can be his dealer?

- He will be dependent all right, and I will certainly charge for the supplements, but this is where stage two starts. Once he is really stuck I will move to extreme hypertrophy training, using below full range exercises with high load. At the same time I will fill his balls with more hormones than a high school rugby team. He will start to bulge all over in no time. My goal is to fuck up the aesthetics completely. Chest so broad he can’t have a shirt, traps and neck so he’ll never wear a crew-neck T-shirt again, glutes so wide he can’t wear jeans. He’ll never be comfortable in anything but tank top and sweat pants. And he will not be able to stop training.

- But why? Why do it?

- What is it they say in fight club? I wanted to destroy something pretty? Some people spray tag shit on walls. For me it’s when some monster of a swole fuck up adds another plate on the bar, and I can point at that and say “I did that”. I’m the reason he lasered away all hair below the nose. I’m the reason he drinks whey shakes in compression cloths on public transport. I’m the reason he part times as a construction worker and bar bouncer to fit the schedule around his gym times and bi-hourly meals. I fucked him over, and he still thanks me every day.

Read my commentary.


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