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As you know these special works are way larger in size compared to the normal Manga works and so they will come every 4-6 months from each other, it's been a while since the last one and so it's about time we had a brand new one. This time it will feature the sexy Malingen (a.k.a Mama) from Death Stranding, unfortunately this also means I did not have enough time to create a new work for the lower tier so this month there won't be a new Manga work in the $12 tier, I hope you all can understand this because I think this will happen everytime a new Heavenly Manga work comes since I'm the only person doing ALL this work for you guys every month. Anyways I think this work will be the perfect Christmas gift for you all, so please look forward to it :D

**Alt version at Pixiv**




Your Special Mangas are god tier, I'm totally okay with the absence of a regular Manga, I just love this guy's huge sized dongus, you absolutely destroyed Claire last Special with this dude

NabrialesTheMajestic (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 13:21:08 LOL! Glad you liked that one man, and yeah, Malingen here will get the same kind of "special treatment" from him as well >:D
2021-12-01 18:28:49 LOL! Glad you liked that one man, and yeah, Malingen here will get the same kind of "special treatment" from him as well >:D

LOL! Glad you liked that one man, and yeah, Malingen here will get the same kind of "special treatment" from him as well >:D