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Hey guys, I've been recently informed by one of my supporters that someone has started sharing my full works FOR FREE on a Hentai site without my consent, I must ask this person, wich is of course one of the people who supports me, TO STOP DOING THIS! This undoubtly harms my work and my effort to bring all of you guys all the stuff you love so much, because it will eventually reduce or even kill my chances of getting into more people, remember that Patreon is a platform made with the purpose of a MUTUAL BENEFIT between Creators (me) and Supporters (you). 

The more people supports us, the more material we can bring to all of you guys, remember that doing all this works MONTHLY consumes a hell of a lot of time and effort, so it's only fair to receive something in exchange for all that hard work, don't you think?

 So I humbly ask for this person (or persons?) to stop sharing my works on other sites, I even give some FREE SAMPLES of my works on pixiv everytime I create a new work, that way people in general get something too, but it's only fair for me as well as for my loyal supporters that some content remains exclusively on Patreon. Anyways, if you happen to know who is doing this or have an idea/suggestion as to how to avoid this kind of situations, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT IT BELOW OR VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE, I'll be more than glad to hear you out guys :D

Let's work together so our Majestic Haven keeps growing more and more, remember that ALL YOUR BELOVED VIDEOGAME WAIFUS ARE HERE TO SATISFY ALL YOUR FANTASIES, DON'T LET THEM DOWN! :D

-Nabriales The Majestic-


ExxxPlay Games 18+

Are you sure that this is hurting you? When I develop the game and spread it on the patron, I see this situation: when there are no games on free sites - I do not get patrons. When the game appears in free access - I have new patrons and subscribers. It may be strange, but when someone puts your work on a free site - this can be a good advertisement for you. Look at the creators of the game Summertime Saga. They do not even worry about it, but why? because they know the secret. If the game will be on most sites - they will have more patrons. Therefore, I think that this is only PLUS for your patreon, when someone is promoting your work. The main thing, do not forget to sign your work (specify a link to the page patron), and then people will find you.


Thanks a lot for your advice, and yeah, in a way I do agree wth you, but it also kind of feels hmm, let's say "ungrateful" to me that someone send all my hard work to waste by sharing it for free, but I knew something like this was going to happen sooner or later, so I was more or less ready for it mentally. I do sign all my works on everypage, but I'll take your advice of putting my Patreon page link on them from now on in case something like this happens again in the future. Thank you man, your words made me feel a little relieved somehow xD, have a nice day :D