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Hi everyone! Hope the last week was good to you. It's been really busy on my end, but a good busy. I didn't do all the prompts for week 2 but I definitely focused on the ones that had friend OCs included!

First up we have Daise who belongs to friend and patron, Gohan2z, who asked for a sparring match with Sarazade. Daise was a xenoverse made OC who was paired with Raditz. So my little story was Sarazade wanted to have a friendly match, get to know a potential daughter-in-law? XD

Up next is Agra flying with Sammy! Who is a lovely self-insert character belonging to that-trunks-girl on tumblr. They go way back to the deviantart days so this was a nostalgia trip for me! It was a lot of fun drawing flying poses that looked casual? DBZ usually has the characters shooting off like rockets XD

Last, but never least, is a request from one of my best friends and also patron, S.J. Slays! She asked for her OC Tempura going on a dragonball hunt with Agra! I'll have to upload the thumbnails for these because they were my favs. I was trying to think up something adventurous, and it started out with finding a dragonball in a out of reach place. Then it evolved into adding a dinosaur, and finally this scene :3

Last week I did everything with watercolors and gouache but this time I used markers (and some watercolors!) I grew up on DBZ and it was art from that fandom when I began using markers so just felt right to do, if that makes sense.

I felt a bit rusty though, time to get back into some more practice!

But week 3 begins with Mass Effect so if anyone is interested in joining with their OCs check out the info on my OCtober post!



Ivica F

These are all fun, but I've got to say the one with Agra and Tempura is making me laugh my ass off. Toriyama would be proud!

Secret Agent CWKE

You know the cadence I'm using when I'm chanting "Toriama Dinosuar. TOR-I-A-MA DIN-O-SAUR." But I have to reiterate - these pieces are WONDERFUL, and I love seeing your action shots! <3