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Another month down and only four more left till the year is over! I hope everyone has had a good year so far despite...everything. Once again I wanna thank everyone who has supported me here, through my dry spells, and weird art spells, and everything in between! I have no idea how to make this space more engaging, but if no one is complaining about the art I've been posting that's always a good sign!

I do want to share that I'm looking into making my own website! I've been having a bad time finding my stride on instagram, and tumblr is being difficult. I sound like a boomer with this whole "back in my day" thing but honestly I miss the days when there were websites everywhere about your favorite things. When I was into dragonball it was like every character had a web shrine, filled with fanfics and fanart. You could do a name search of a character and BOOM! a list of websites appeared.

I want to share my work but I am tired of being in constant fear of AI being fed our work, AI threatening to replace artists of all kinds. Patreon is my only source of income but I also understand that it's also hard to support each other because we're all going through struggles. I keep thinking that if my art was JUST a little bit better it might get more attention, but that only causes me to beat myself up.

Im hoping this website can be a nice safe space where I can share things the same way patreon has been. When it's finally done I'll be sure to link it too, of course!

Be safe, everyone, and here is a silly picture of one of my cats for your viewing pleasure!


S.J. Slays

Can't wait to see the website when it's finished!

Daniel Yarbrough

KITTY! Hah but seriously look forward to seeing the site and hope it can create a nice space for you to post on and garner some more attention you deserve.