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Hey everyone! This month has been fun and productive for me and I'm very happy with all the art I made. Art Fight was one of those things I would hear about all year and then never had the time to look into registering. 

There was some unfortunate news I learned a few days ago regarding everything behind the scenes. Since I'm a newbie to all this it doesn't feel right to air out my opinion and grievances when there have been people who have been dealing with the issues for much longer. But I do have to say prior to the news, people in the community have been very kind and friendly. And the boost of joy in exchanging art is exactly what I was looking for ;u; It was so wholesome reading about everyone's sonas and characters and exchanging comments. I got to see my characters in various styles and that never gets old.

I feel like I leveled up a little in my art. I got to draw things I normally don't try on my own, and work on compositions and colors. One of my biggest worries is my art never has that OOMPH I see in so many people's styles. Or that my stuff comes off looking stiff and dull. I got to see all my work side by side and was reminded it wasn't so!

Character credits in order!


Amelia von Koopa! She is one of the children of Ludwig and I died of cuteness.
This is Tarriot! A pony who likes to do experiments that usually have unexpected consequences! They belong to
Gerard is a vampiric-like Borzoi and his design was elegant and so nice to look at
Rika! I recently got back into dragonball so I was determined to draw db ocs! I loved their design
Amto and Kitki! My lovely friends fantastic characters from her awesome webcomic, Natik!
Epri! I was also eager to draw zora ocs and I love the design of this cutie!
Sunny! Looking at the character made me so happy I had to draw them
West! I also was eager to draw horses as well and this was a very handsome boy. Paint horses are one of my favs!
Kestrali! I love seeing folks using various bird species for rito. This character looked so cool.
Viola! I thought their design was adorable so I had to draw them C:
Amelia von Koopa! She is one of the children of Ludwig and I died of cuteness.
A deep sea zora named Great Lady Ralute! I loved the concept of larger zora living in the ocean!
Two characters named Maya and Nadine. Their creator makes fun comics about them and I hoped to capture their silliness with this picture!


Ivica F

:D Awesome variety of characters here.

S.J. Slays

Love the variety here but the one that took my breath away was the Lady Ralute piece!