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I wanted to share this somewhere because it was on my mind for a while. Some fans spoiled Tears of the Kindom for me because they were upset over something. And without dropping spoilers here in case anyone hasn’t played yet or gotten too far I wanted to kinda vent about my thoughts on shipping and the behaviors that crop up in fandom spaces.

I gotta say that as a kid and in my early twenties I was guilty of getting angry and frustrated over canon that didn’t comply with my own headcanons and ideas. I am proud to say it didn’t result in lashing out at other people in those fan spaces, but I totally understand those initial feelings of disappointment and frustration. It’s nice to have your ideas validated, or something important you see in yourself represented!

But nothing drives me away faster than seeing groups of people unabashedly displaying misogynistic and homophobic opinions when they’re venting their frustrations. How X female character needs to die because theyre “in the way” or “I’m not racist/sexist BUT” sentences. I feel like there is a …danger/red flag? when fan headcanons and theories are treated with this sense of reverence. Ive seen it happen in so many fandoms where the mindset is if so many fans love/believe in a headcanon, ship, or theory then it must be noticed and embraced by the creators/company as well. And when it doesn’t then these groups cry foul and say they were betrayed and the ugly words just spill forth.

Something I learned ages ago and something a friend also told me is “Corporations are not your friend.” They are not a benevolent entity laughing at our memes and smiling at our tumblr posts. And they are under no obligation to take any of our ideas into consideration. I’m pretty sure that level of interaction is illegal.

Part of me wonders if it’s just part of the fandom mentality when you’re young. When I was a teen I was messaged constantly by randos online about Agra. The moment I posted her online in a fan ship with Gohan it was a steady but constant barrage of how she was a “whore/slut/homewrecker” and how “She was destroying canon” how I should feel ashamed, etc and that either she and I should both die. Eventually the good natured and open minded fans come out but by then it almost feels too late. As a teen I was too terrified to speak to anyone. Rinse and repeat with other fandoms. I’m older, but the mentality of this particular group of fans remains the same.

The sense of entitlement and vitriol from these types of fans leave you discouraged and upset. I have not interacted with fans in the Zelda fandom, but the first posts about this spoiler were non stop and negative and downright malicious. I’m starting to see positive posts come in but again it feels like the damage is done.  And as someone who is very picky about curating a safe space I am under no obligation to join this fandom space! It honestly sucks that those types of fans are usually the first ones I come across.

I don’t have an ounce of clout or influence in any online space but honestly I just want to say it somewhere that canon is not the Word of God. It's not wrong to acknowledge there IS feelings of disappointment when a new canon thing appears when you spent years creating something of your own. But that doesn’t mean your work means nothing. I think that’s what really breaks my heart. I have seen young fans feel as if they have to toss out their fics and art because “canon won” They get competitive with everyone. nd you don't! You really, really don't!  And you don’t have to resort to misogyny to logic a thing away. You don’t have to body shame, or hate on other queer representations when creating your space. And you especially don’t hate on others who don’t share the same mindset as you.

Our fav characters, ocs and ships are just the dolls we’re playing with in the sandbox. Adults tell kids to play nice with each other, the same should apply to us ;u;


This picture caused a flame war in the comments when I first uploaded this. Agra destroyed canon, prevented the birth of Pan. It was awful
This brought some awful comments too. "I hope their baby dies and I hope Agra dies! Videl and Gohan forever!"
someone i knew heckled me for this ship. She had to be weak, had to be feminine. it was bad enough she liked a canon character in their eyes
Kaori was picked on a lot by the same person. Oc x canon was a crime. She was too strong. Too mean. Not feminine enough.
This was after the fact I parted ways with that person. But drawing this helped me feel better.
Kiru got the brunt of it from that same person and their friend. Tenten was taken by Neji in their eyes. Kiru was an enemy to them.
Kron was a victim in tumblr's ME community. Kron is bi, but one person said her oc would swear him off men and pressed me often to ship them
Branka had the worst of it. I labeled her as ace as I was learning about being ace myself. So many remarks of how the right man can fix her
Zoar is aro but the same MERP person wanted to "fix" him with the right woman. It was always lady characters when it came to my male ocs


S.J. Slays

Well said!

Daniel Yarbrough

I hate that you had to go through all that especially when your ships and your art have always been well done and deserve being shared and enjoyed