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One of the few things I brought from Branka's adventure on tumblr was her kid drawings she made. I was very glad they were a hit with the forum members. There used to be a lot of requests to see their characters in Branka's style and it was fun and surprisingly challenging to keep that goofy and simplified look! I laughed a lot because I had this image of Branka with a cheap drawing tablet and using a super obscure app that came along with it.

It also helped bump me out of any art blocks I had. There are times when you don't want to do anything complicated but also have that enrichment of coloring and doing something with your hands (phrasing)

In the end, what I wanted to portray with her drawings was that it was a love language. I was projecting :3


A local vorcha named Skrat on his many misadventures!
a character named Joset was called baller so YEAH XD
Mekan and another batarian called Jules were exchanging witty barbs and Branka drew an accurate scene of events
Branka trying to draw an elcor in a hammock after the discussion is brought up and she gives up immediately
a request from a friendly forum hanar!
branka had a dream about a hanar named hotdog and a player made that into a brilliant piece of cdn lore where hotdog IS REAL!
branka drawing mustaches (via her doodles) and dubbing Mekan as MEKANTONIO
A local vorcha named Skrat on his many misadventures!
Branka tried to comfort Joset by drawing him with pancakes and syrup
a request from a player of their two characters together, I liked how it turned out
Dwick and his CFO in a reenactment. Terrorbyte called him a rude flatulence dragon who ruins his life
Branka successfully creates her signature dish: RYNCAKES where you douse pancakes with radioactive alcohol and set it on fire
Branka was a fan of a krogan wrestling show and this was her favorite wrestler
A drell named Hadas explained his work regarding his people's religion and Branka thought he was a superhero with how he was dressed
Terrorbyte enjoying an appletini
another accurate depiction of terrorbyte!
one of the many requests on the forums, a character named Tokyo outlaw with her green space cat named Midori
Another player asked for their pet varren in a tank!
while two characters argue on the boards, their varren enjoy a cup of tea XD
spiker the vorcha!
this one makes me laugh because the alliance soldiers in the back are like beady eyed ninjas. Branka likes to guess a lot
An elcor member was queasy about a food discussion favoring meat so Branka offered him some greens!
a resident yagh asked to be portrayed in a friendly manner by giving hugs. SUCCES


S.J. Slays

These are adorable