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I was gonna write a long commentary with this because I've been in a weird head space lately. Mostly worrying about the aesthetic look of my art, be it sketch or digital form. I had to take a break from social media apps because the whole grind and "create finished work" daily was getting to me. I didn't wanna go back into the headsapce that I'm not good because my art isn't noticed.

I watched a video by Jess Karp about habits to learn and one that stuck out to me was "be your BEST critic" and it was such a cute idea. Overturn the "you are your own worst critic" to something positive. I'm still learning to be my best critic because as I was writing this commentary I started going on tangents about how my art isnt X, Y, or Z.

As I look at these pictures, I find that I'm happy where I'm at, and also excited on what my style will evolve into as time passes. There's already a huge change between this year's work and the work I did over ten years ago. I love drawing with pen now. I'll have to get back to drawing with pencil too so I don't get rusty. But since you can't erase pen it's helped me commit to my lineart and gain confidence in my strokes. You can see the work in Andromeda's hair!

I want to get better and doing more full body shots, and dynamic poses. Things that tell a story when you look at them. I do enjoy expressions so it's one reason why I draw so many faces even if they stare slightly off to the left or right XD


This is Andromeda! She is a pirate oc from Final Fantasy 12. I wanted to practice hair so she was my subject
Had a hankering to draw Agra again!
I still mess with how I wanna draw her headband. Her OG design made no sense but I never changed it because I liked the look of it
This is Andromeda! She is a pirate oc from Final Fantasy 12. I wanted to practice hair so she was my subject
I accidentally stumbled on this tentacle like hair style and I like it. Possible ideas for her hair to emote when she does perhaps?
Another FF12 oc. This is Xander's father (and mother in the corner) hes not a good dude. I was working on outfit ideas for him
Agra sketches done in 2011!
Done in 2000 I think. This was her dinosaur friend, Kojiro. I copied a Pan pic to draw Agra then
2008-08 sketches of Andromeda
2008-09 doodle of Antares
Commissioned piece of Antares done by Blue-Ten on Deviantart back in 2010


S.J. Slays

I love the idea of being your best critic, definitely something I can learn from 💖