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It's been a little over a month since everything happened. I am still grieving and getting help from wonderful people with some personal matters at home.

For those who aren't on tumblr I want to give my heartfelt thanks for the support given here on my patreon and ko-fi. The boost in donations have helped give me footing in a space that was falling apart. I have been feeling very alone now that my mom is gone. Thank you for giving a kind reminder that I'm not forgotten ;__;

I want to continue to post here when I'm feeling better. In previous posts I spoke about opening up requests for my patrons when there was a bigger number. I am also open to suggestions as to what kind of topics/subjects to draw so I can save those for days when I feel up to doing something art-wise. And Patreon does have that little community section where anyone can make a post.

But yeah, just wanted to touch base here. Thank you again. Be safe, guys ❤️


S.J. Slays

We're always here for you 💖

Ivica F

Take all the time you need. We’re here for you! <3