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As a kid Des started out as Demona (because Gargoyles was airing at the time) who was banished because she was an ice breather. I shipped her with Draco but I never really did much to insert her into the actual story. I just made tons of AU's 😄

I like to joke about how Dragonheart 2 made me feel validated when they brought up Drake's ice lung and a dragon's ability to breathe ice.

Every so often I would try and tweak her design since my kid version wasn't exactly detailed. All I had was "green blue body and gold-red feathers" and those notes were inspired by pictures of Quetzalcoatl.

By the time the third and fourth movie came around I sat down to flesh Demona's character out a bit more. She became Desdemona who was the offspring of two of the canon dragons in the lore. The female dragon officially named Siveth (the green one as far as I know has no name)

And now a fifth movie is being released ABOUT SIVETH




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