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Last piece I managed to do before the Citadel Fashion Week ended, this time of Drau clan. The theme was gala fashion so it gave me an excuse to use Lydia. Here was the shippet I posted along with it:

Drau Clan Fashion

Kron and Lydia are prime examples of Drau clan personality. On one hand you have aloof, silent krogan such as Kron. And on the other there are the friendly, and flirtatious types like Lydia. They rival Jorgal in clan age, as well as size (least vertically, Kron stands at 10 feet, Lydia is 8′11) and the clan comes from a long line of shamans and healers. Drau krogan have a lot of tattoos as part of their culture so their wardrobe is designed in order to show off their plates.

Their finer garments have a unique sparkle or shimmer thanks to their canyons being filled with an opal-like gemstone called Krantt’s Tears. Drau tailors have created a technique to incorporate these precious gems into the very fabrics. They’re also seen wearing various shades of deep blues, purples, with blacks and gold. Purple is worn by those from a prestigious family or high rank. 

Other krogan would often joke that Drau clan are primitive or old fashioned due to their long shaman lineage and because the main settlement has its home within a cave system. But given the chance, Drau krogan love to show off, be it their strength, or sense of style



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