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A tumblr fan event is going on this month which is about sharing art and writing about alien fashion in mass effect. Not a zone, just a thing for fans to have fun with. There was a serious lack of krogan content so YOU KNOW ME. The first week's theme was casual outfits so I was making up some casual looks for Jorgal and Nakmor clans

Here are the descriptions I wrote (slightly edited)

Jorgal Clan

Jorgal krogan can grow to be huge! Especially in the gut as they get on in years. Most of the older krogan don’t think too much about what they’re wearing, as long as it fits they’ll toss on whatever, so there’s a lot of loose fabrics.

Many of them are also drawn to shades of red, and gold, and bright patterns. They’re loud, big, and like to show it! Jorgal are also one of the oldest clans on Tuchanka, so their fashion styles end up being a mix of various clans (sashes from Drau, Nakmor styled patterns, etc). So there are a few Jorgal whose outfits end up looking like patchwork

Nakmor Clan

Continuing with casual styles for Nakmor. Their tastes seem to be drawn to earthy colors. Some say it might have to do with the fact they live in the Kraddak Wastes. But they will tell you in their clan the color green stands for hope! They also use a lot of scarves, shawls or hoods which can be handy during those pesky sandstorms.

Nakmor krogan also like to make fabrics with intricate patterns on them. They might not be as fancy as Drau style outfits, but when you live in a vast desert wasteland, small details like that help keep morale up!




i love all the thought and care you put into these outfits!