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So it's been quite a summer. I feel the need to apologize for going back and forth with my productivity. And even when I was uploading pieces here, to me, it felt like it wasn't very good. I'm still working to improve so I can do more than share rough sketches.

I wanted to upload a small sketchbook tour showing off the stuff I've been working on since May. This book is my recent go-to sketchbook to draw whatever comes to mind, help me blow off steam and practice with ideas Im not committed to making into more serious pieces.

Some of these I'll scan and upload because there are a few I like. But the rest you can see here. If my personal life and schedule allow, I'd like to try and upload a monthly tour to show people what I'm doing. But for now, enjoy this one!


Sketchbook tour May-August 2018


S.J. Slays

Maudie sketch book tour is best sketch book tour! I squealed at the spidey sighting along with Dragonair, Agra and Nomi <333