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The ayes have it (me) and here they are!

Cons of hyper-fixating on characters: You will NEVER get a coherent timeline of events from me

Pros: I will be infused with the power of God and anime to suddenly make comics.

One day I was thinking about events in Before Crisis, and dabbled in one scene, and then it turned into a little mini story.

As I worked on this I started thinking back on how I always put myself down when it came to having fun with my OCs and including them in canon. I was browsing old art for some reference and saw my notes I did back in 2009 and I was so mean to myself and my characters. And that behavior stuck with me for years, even now I still fight it each time I upload something.

There are a LOT of factors that conditioned this mentality but I think it boiled down to "youre never going to be good enough, don't ever think otherwise"

So this comic, and being able to draw my fan pairings (any of them, really) is always a victory for me! You fight that need to cringe, that voice that says "your idea is dumb and you should feel dumb" and in the end when you get something down on paper it feels good. You have accomplished something that makes you happy! If anyone does enjoy it that's a bonus. And if people don't...well, that sounds like a them problem.

So yes, I hope you enjoy this comic of mine. I certainly had fun creating it!


I drew this based on a ship dynamic pose but I can't find the name of the one who made it!
This was the initial idea, it was only half a page. I was just going to be dialog via text but then I was like no lets do more!
Characters having casual banter about stuff in the world is my favorite. No huge plots, or dramatic reveals. Just vibing and joking
In one of the novellas, Rufus was dubbed "Rufus the Doofus" and I kind of wanted to show that here.
Im an adult I can draw adults in adult setting. I was cackling the entire time. Diana's joke makes me laugh but Rufus' reaction is my fav
i didnt mean for diana to have such kawaii eyes in that second panel. The second row of panels are my fav just a fun time setting a scene
i was going to end the story on this page but i thought how can i make it even sadder
lo and behold i said that prev scene is right before diana vanishes, trapped in shinras science labs with no one the wiser


S.J. Slays

It's such a joy to see you indulge yourself 🥹🥰 inspiring too!