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Cue all the Little Shop of Horrors jokes here :3

Obligatory artist photo! I've been busy sketching, but the eclipse has been the big thing that's kept me from posting in the last few days. Just wanted to share a couple of photos I caught of the event, but it doesn't do it justice of seeing it in person. I went with my boyfriend to visit his family in Carbondale, IL where they got to experience totality twice! Now, and back in 2017.


we put dark lenses on our cameras to take pictures. This was minutes before totality hit
one of the nicer pics my bf got of me. you can see the crescent shadows caused by the eclipse on my shirt
we put dark lenses on our cameras to take pictures. This was minutes before totality hit
full coverage! the only time its safe to look directly at the sun! You could see three planets when it got dark! Mars, Venus and Jupiter


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