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This is in addition to the previous post because I forgot to mention it.

I kinda been struggling with motivation because of the issues I've mentioned so I modeled a few characters to get distracted.

Judy Hopps:

Master Tigress:

Master Viper:

I had to sculpt Viper's balls for 6 hours that was funny.

Tali's helmet beginnings:

I've recorded the sculpting process for the models so there will eventually be a timelapse available for the patrons once the models are finished.



To help with motivation, it can help not shooting for the moon on everything. Just start a thing, anything and see where it goes. Also take breaks during several hour long binges. https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/top/?t=all Great place for productivity advice and how to not burn yourself out. Helped me, I have ADHD and am trying to become a data scientist. Just want you to know that the massive amount of work you have already done is very appreciated by this community. Keep doing you things because it seems to create something we all enjoy.