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I've spent a good part of the year scripting a possible game (and I still hope I can do it!) But today I tried something a bit different: a visual approach to scripting. So I did a few thumbnails of what the beginning of SMQ (the comic the game the motion picture soundtrack) would be like. These would be the first few pages/the hook! (Read from top to bottom, left to right.)

What do you guys think? Should I commit to trying to make an RPG, or would you like to see a comic? Let me know in the comments below.



David Purss

Personally: I’d start small and with what you know you can do fantastic. That’s just my personal opinion. Added: a comic would be nice btw.

Kavi Corben

I'm a big fan of the idea of SMQ beimg an actual game - but if you're getting more comic vibes from it I would also read that


Personally I'd love a comic for selfish reasons, since I'm guessing that could get my hands on it sooner than a game. You should do whatever you feel is the best way to tell your story, I'll enjoy it either way


I won't lie, I'd love either a game or comic, but deep down, I'm more of a comic guy.

Ryan Fox

I guess it depends. If you want multiple possible arcs depending on user choice then obviously a game would be the choice you'd want to make I think. But if you only intend the narrative to go a specific direction because that's the story you want to do at the end of the day and/or the former is A LOT more work so you'd rather not do it (understandable) then maybe just stick with a comic, because you really don't need gamer interaction. Only other thing I could think of in the 'do a game category' would be if there's some sort of interactivity you want players to have with individual scenes, but I've no idea how that would work or what that would look like for you.

Fancy Man

I'd love to see both ngl! The game sounds like a lot of hard work but if you're fully committed to the idea, that'd be great. I haven't really seen an artist actually go through with a game development 👀


i wouldn’t mind either! the game idea is exciting, but for a one man team it would take a lot of time and effort. i would be satisfied with just the comic

Murilo Moura Sarno

At first, a comic maed by you seems great, please do it.