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After the recent Zack-Eric picture I've had some people ask me "Oh but did Zack and Eric actually do it in canon?" To the point where I feel I might make a small interlude to explain what happened (though it was going to be made clear in the videos regardless, but maybe a little more setup would help.)

However, as a visual aid, I thought I'd draw the scene that Zack saw when he knocked on Eric's door, at Cousin Dog's encouragement.




Remind us to thank Cousin Dog for his wise and timely guidance!


Cousin Dog is like the yin to Binks' yang, right? Like Cousin Dog encourages or implies people into unlucky or unfortunate events? Is that anywhere near right? So can we infer that this Zack/Eric hookup will have negative consequences/implications? Or am I wayyyy off on this?


Cousin Dog is a bit different - he's foolery, bad choices, "I know I have to work but I'll watch TV because it feels good", wrapped up into a single, hunky man. He's like a good idea black hole-- but not every bad idea leads to an immediate, negative consequence-- it's just that a lot of his suggestions *do* by virtue of being based on "don't think about it. At all." Earlier on, you may have noticed him using surf analogies. "It's like a wave, man. You can't stop to think about it, you just gotta jump and catch it."