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Tomorrow I'll be working on the Simon/Apollo variants, and on a new page of ICFOS3 (now sketched! I'll be inking/coloring it tomorrow!) Nonetheless, I WILL do a warmup sketch tomorrow, so if you haven't done so yet, feel free to suggest ideas! 

On Friday I will hope to do another sketch stream plan out the poses for another SMQ picture, and then work on the next cutscene, which will release on the weekend!

If you're enjoying the content I'm posting, please consider telling your cool adult friends about my Patreon! It means a lot! Every bit helps!



Are we still getting the Douchefauns picture? I'd love to see them frolicking in the woods, if you get my drift, lol!


It's absolutely happening, but probably come sunday/monday. Outside forces slowed down my work today, and I was focusing on the comic page!