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Send me a private message to get this animation to the event, without waiting ... just ask me for the new animation Queen Of Sheba and you will be given a DropBox link where you can download all the content...  sorry for this, this way I protect my work from illegal pages


As the child from a female Jinn and a male man, the queen of Sheba holds many wondrous powers. One of which, is the ability to see the parts of many possible futures. But she only uses this for the most sublime reasons.... To get rich the fastest and most effective way possible! To fulfill her very own dream! The opening of her very own camel park! This time she has a vision of the cursed town of Salem. Where some of the most horrific creatures reside. But due to a certain hero, the population of these creatures and the valuable materials they hold, nearly got reduced to zero. Blinded by her quest for money, she thought to herself: "Why not help increase their numbers and sell the materials for a high prize? My body is resistant to any corruption due to my lineage and I'm able to recover from any physical endeavor. So nothing can go wrong!" But as usual.... none of her plans ever go out as she expects. 


1. Sheba
2. Rubs
3. Fuck
4. Fuck/Nipples
5. Bulge/pregnant
6. Bulge/pregnant/Nipples
7. Bredding
8. Baby
9. Babys in nipples





I like the history or background info we get before the animation. it really sets the mood. That giant cock waving around Sheba and seeing Sheba or any character fucked by a massive cock and having every part of their body penetrated is peak erotic. Great work! (´∀`)b