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Hello everyone.

I have an important announcement. I'll make a few major changes about Patreon-related content and rewards starting from the next month.

Several factors pushed me to these changes.

1) Patreon-exclusive content are very energy- and time-consuming.

2) Most important factor: Patreon-exclusive content (both edits and monthly arts) are being leaked and posted at the other sites without my consent or permission.

Both of those are very demotivating.

Starting from the next month following changes will be in effect:

1) Less exclusive versions for arts (about 1-3 instead of 2-6 like I usually try to do)

2) No more monthly patreon-exclusive arts.

I'm sorry, but considering that you can almost effortlessly search for exclusive edits and arts at open I don't see much meaning in this amount of exclusive content.

Hope for your understanding.

Thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate it.

Your backing are really helpful for me considering that I live off making art but my Patreon in it's current state are being a bit disappointing so I'll stick with making less amount of exclusive content.

I totally understand that some of you might want to unsubscribe, it's normal.

Anyway, those changes will be in effect starting from October. September will go as usual, with lots of edits and exclusive art at the end of this month.

TL;DR: Exclusive art being leaked and posted at open. Starting from October no more monthly exclusive art, less edits.


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