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Hello lovelies,

As promised, it's time for an update on where we are at with the game and in our personal lives!


Deviant and I have made it back into the US, but we're going to be roaming nomads for another couple of months. There are so many family members to spend time with after so long. And, of course, Omicron isn't making it easy to house hunt and find a place to live.

If things go according to plan, we hope to settle in Louisiana sometime in late March or early April. We're looking for a place where I can have a dedicated recording studio and maybe some kinky playspace!

In the meantime...

Game Plans

We'll both be taking advantage of our downtime over the next couple months to focus on bugs and getting out some new scenes.

In the near future, Deviant will focus on some niggly issues that have been bugging many of you for a while: 

  • Tracking problems with the Quest

  • Automatic hand tracking in keyboard and mouse

  • Being able to see the pose assist statues when in various positions

  • And a few other things!

While Deviant is taming the code, I'll be busy writing scenes for Divine Engine Pragma and Enforcer Furia.

After March, our main focus will be on progressing our MVP (minimum viable product) version of the game. For us, MVP means we have 10 Mistresses and their core scenes released:

  • An intro

  • A task

  • A reward

  • A punishment, and

  • A mega reward

We know our players want to see the new Mistresses and experience some new kinks in the game, so we will report regularly on how we are doing to fulfill this goal.

For our next couple of updates, expect to hear progress on bug fixes and new scenes, with a more detailed breakdown of our MVP goals in a special post!

Our resident artist, Just Jeff, has been pulled onto a few other projects at this time, so we may not be able to share the new Mistresses until later this year, but I have plenty to progress for Ms. Treatment, Pragma, and Furia in the meantime.

Mine truly,




Welcome back to the states. On the plus side, New Zealand is no worse off on the Covid front than we are, now. :-(

Libert Chen

When can we expect the next update?


Hello! We won't be putting out any updates until March. Moving back to the US has turned out to be a bit crazy, but we absolutely have plans to get full into me working full time on the game after March. I can't wait to finally be able to dedicate all my time to the game! It's been a long three years' of waiting to get to this point!