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You've probably heard by now... but just in case... Patreon's having a problem right now, which means lots of your payments  are being declined as "fraudulent". 

Here's the tweet from them:  https://twitter.com/Patreon/status/1025071287020871680 

If you've been declined, Patreon's supposed to be sending you out an email. I've heard mixed reports of whether you have to fix it or whether Patreon has fixed it.

But just in case, here's what another creator suggested; either:  

1) Update your credit card to a different card,
2) Use PayPal instead,
3) Contact your bank to let them know the Patreon charges aren't fraudulent; this should be a one time thing. 

Once you've done any of those, just re-pledge at the same amount this month (if the pledge goes through successfully, you won't be double charged, don't worry, and if you are somehow, contact me and I'll refund  you).

If you want some advice on updating your payment options, here's an article from Patreon: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913769-How-do-I-update-my-payment-information-



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