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Hello, Lovelies!!

We have missed you! Thank you so much for your patience with us after such an extended period of absence.

Let us catch you up on a few things!

Developer Update

Both DeviantDev and I have been experiencing some personal setbacks in areas of our lives (work and home life) that have greatly impacted our schedules and ability to work on the game.

For myself personally, I'm juggling an increased amount of family responsibilities and working through some big things in my mental health.

DeviantDev has also been struggling with a recent and very sudden job loss due to the turmoil of the gaming industry, which has brought increased stress on him as well.

While we are still addressing the challenges at hand, I wanted to reach out to update the community and let you know that we are still very much invested in the future of the game.

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates and understand how frustrating it must be to not hear from us regularly. Your support and patience mean the world to us. 

Game Update

We've been working diligently behind the scenes, addressing some unexpected challenges and refining various aspects of the game.

A huge challenge that we are working to solve is making sure the game loads for everyone, everytime!

People are starting to not be able to run the game at all and may be getting black screens because of it.

DeviantDev has been working on a way to refactor the code to handle it all more gracefully and remove some of the complexity currently slowing development and content creation.

Another challenge we are moving through is that our helpers who were working with us to move scenes forward have left to pursue other things.

This means we've had to regroup and set out to find new helpers who can work with us on writing scripts, setting up scenes, adding voice files, and doing some quality control testing.

The longtime help we had from Headphones Taco on these areas really helped us accelerate this process.

Fortunately, we have 2 new helpers we start training next week.

New music has been composed and will be added in our next update.

One of the things we have loved being able to bring to the game is custom music that reflects the unique personas of our Mistresses.

We're excited to get these sounds out and hope to create an album compilation of game music soon!

While progress may not always be visible, we are moving toward getting these final scenes completed for you.


I want to especially thank those of you who have reached out with support, suggestions, and concerns. It helps remind us how much you care about the game and it gives us motivation to continue the work even when it bogs down.

This game moved beyond being a hobby of ours to become a place for people to discover themselves, connect with others, and learn what else might be out there in the world of BDSM and beyond.

Your feedback has been instrumental in guiding our direction, and we can't wait to show you what we've been working on.

So thank you so much for your continued support and understanding. We genuinely appreciate each and every one of you for sticking with us during this period.

If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out.

We’re looking forward to reconnecting with you all through some exciting new updates very soon!

Warm regards,




Hang in there, DD and DD! Life must come first, as everything else is impacted by it. Take good care of yourselves. Looking forward to future updates, hopefully with some good personal news!