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Hello Lovelies,

We've got so many things in the works that I can only briefly tell you about them here or I would overwhelm you with reams of information! (And I'd rather be reaming you out with a good Mistress Nega-Yuki lecture!)

Expect some of these topics to turn into longer, more detailed posts in the future.

Here we go!

KinkFest 2024

This was a tremendous success for us! We were incredibly well-received by the kink community with lots of requests for us to partner with people. We got to watch so many lovely people try the game live and inadvetantly gained some great playtesting feedback!

Because we know some of you will find this interest, we're going to do a special post just on the KinkFest experience next week!

New Content - Pragma Task

We are getting near the end of putting the finishing touches on a brand new Divine Engine Pragma task - The Art Exhibit Examination!

This scene will ask you to get into challenging ballet poses as you demontrate to Pragma how well you can show off the grace and beauty of your body.

New Content - Yuki Task

We are also fully immersed in bringing to life a puppy play blowjob scene with Mistress Yuki-Onna. You'll be challenged to complete a blowjob (similiar to Enforcer Furia's gloryhole scene), but this one will be filled with joy, enthusiasm and playfulness!

Fan Flare - Merchandise Items in Development

The header image above is our first attempt at creating clever images that can go on t-shirts, nighties and other objects as part of our launch of DomSim fan flare merchandise. We're excited to get your input on our ideas before they become reality, so keep an eye out for Fan Flare Polls and Posts.

If you like the image above, let us know in the comments! We wore these at KinkFest and we want to know if you want to wear one too!

My fingers are crossed that one of the vendors we met at KinkFest might actually help us get real life DomSim cuffs created!!f

New Deviant.Tech Products - A New Submission Experience

Oh boy. This one is going to really get some people excited! We are beginning to put together the design for a new, submissive experience video game.

Taking inspiration from classic fairtyales, this training and devotion game will really tickle some people's favorite bits!

New Deviant.Tech Products - Live Action Roleplaying Game

A few months ago, we brainstormed what other types of creative projects we'd like to start getting into in the future. We got to thinking about how frickin' cool it would be to have a kinky roleplaying game that lets people dive into a range of characters, predicaments, and experiences!

The Kink Character Profile Sheets we revealed at KinkFest were a tremendous hit and almost 100 people signed up to our brand new, upcoming monthly newlsetter so that they can get notified when playtesting for this begins.

We'll start sharing these new profile sheets in the next couple weeks!

New Helpers

We're always keeping our eyes and ears open for new people to help us get stuff done!

In the last few months, we've been able to bring on board another Femme Domme concept designer / writer and a submissive writer / editor to the team. As with all helpers, we don't know how long these two will be able to stick around, but we're excited to see how much we can get done while they're here!

In addition, we have a brilliant sound designer who is going to start building some soundscapes for our Mistress's rooms!

Redesigned Website & Logo

To get ready for KinkFest, we took the opportunity to redesign our logo, our slogan, and our website. Have a look and see what you think of where we're heading!


Since there's always room for improvement, you can expect the layouts to get refined over time, and new content / pages to get added as we develop our new products and roll out fan flare merchandise.

Life Changes

And just to keep you all updated on how life throws us curve balls, and gifts, which inevitably affect our game development...

Deviant Dev has recently been laid off three days after he was selected to serve on a Grand Jury for a month! Thankfully, an unexpected tax return break gives us a little buffer to give Dev the opportunity to start working more regularly on the game again, once he's done with his civic duty!

Okay lovelies, I'm signing off for now! Always better to give you a little sneak peak before I give you the full download!

Mine Truly,




Vio Darc

Hell yes to DomSim merch, that shirt is sick. Would love to be able to purchase and wear apparel merch. Also doing a bdsm character sheet fucking rules


Thank you so much! Good to know the shirt is something you're interested in :)