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"Nonsuicidal self-injury, often simply called self-injury, is the act of deliberately harming your own body, such as cutting or burning yourself. It's typically not meant as a suicide attempt. Rather, this type of self-injury is a harmful way to cope with emotional pain, intense anger and frustration." ~ MayoClinic 

Note: This is to serve as an educational look at the darker side of Mental Health. As a Cutter myself (over 20 years) I know what it is like to be judged by the scars on my arm instead of who I am as a person. Self Harm is not a Trend and should never be treated as Such. Self-harm is an Addiction and should be taken very seriously.


What You Get:

  • Self Harm Reward Trait costing 100 Satisfaction Points.
  • Harm Self Interaction - Active Sim Only with Trait that lasts 3 days.
  • Talk about Self-Harm when "Self-Harm Injury" Moodlet is Active.
  • 3 Occasional Moodlets while "Self-Harm Injury" Moodlet is Active. This Includes Proud, Ugly!, & Hide It.
  • "Always There" Moodlet can occur anything the Sim does not have a Self Harm moodlet. Moodlet will be removed if the Harm Self Interaction is used.
Requires XML Injector 

Thanks 💜

Crisis Text Line & Self-Harm


  • June 28, 2021: Made sure "Always There" Moodlet is removed when Harm Self Interaction is used.



i love all your mental health traits (especially as a Mental Ill) tbh you inspire me to create! thank you for sharing and handling these topics with such care :D


Thanks. Funny story.. well actually maybe not funny but this mod was born because I slipped up mentally and hurt myself. I had at one point been suggested something like it but I always want to handle mental health with an educational view. I dislike the community sees it as an nsfw topic. It's not, it's part of life and shouldn't be hidden but embraced and understood. Thanks again, and I hope you're doing well and have a great day.


i'm so sorry to hear that, i hope you're feeling better; slipping up is all part of the process as we know and again i can't thank you enough for spreading awareness sensitively and knowledgeably. take care!!


Such a good mod. the way they feel matches perfectly with how i feel when it happens. so nice to have such a proper and well thought-out mod. I love these mental health related mods so much. thank you for always doing the feelings and disorders so well


I genuinely love this. Controversial I'm sure but as someone who struggled and fought with myself for years.. I relate to this mod on a whole other level lol Would love to see it expanded if you have plans to do so. Hotlines and self improvement/positive activities to prevent the moodlets maybe? I don't know lol but even if not, LOVE this mod.


thats a great idea! As a cutter myself, those sound like perfect additions. Thank You. I'll look into adding stuff like that!


Thank you so much for this. I got yelled at when I wanted something like this, even though I didn't want it for trend or making fun of reasons, it's so sad that people judge based on nothing.


i have self harm poses on my Loverslab if anyone would like to download them, you can search self harm pose pack by S1mer and it should show up on google but they are on a nsfw website so i dont recommend to those under the age of 18

Meredith Oakley

I seriously need to thank you for this. Which, I bet seems, weird, but not at the same time...but I don't think people understand how much getting something like this out in a simulation game can help. for someone like me anyways, who is past the physical, but stuck in the mental still, constantly every day but also trying to be a high functioning adult. I haven't really found anything that's described my inner thoughts much better. I appreciate your work and all of the posted resources reminding me I don't struggle alone. Thank you.


Thanks! And you're welcome! I find experiencing some things in game helps overcome the difficulties around it whatever that trauma or fear is. It's a safe way to handle things instead of throwing yourself into possible danger. Though it doesn't remove the scars I already have, I'm still trying to stop cutting. I promised someone very special to me I would. 💜


this mode isnt working for me what do i do?


Make sure you have the current XML injector and the script file isn't more than 1 folder deep.